
MVLP Luncheon Meeting Minutes

Click here to access the monthly luncheon meeting minutes. It is now posted as a PDF file.

September 9, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Jean Kraus at 11:00 as she welcomed all in attendance.

As there were no questions or corrections in regards to the minutes previously posted on the website, a motion was made by Mary Williams and seconded by Roxy Heacock to approve the minutes of the August 12, 2024 Luncheon Meeting.  The motion carried.

Sandy Strack gave the August Treasurer’s Report in the absence of Marilyn Ginther.  Beginning balance was $14,921.32 with Income of $1,937.00 and Expenses of $1,543.38.  Closing Balance was $15,314.94 with a Working Balance of $3,078.12. There were no questions regarding the Report.

Jean thanked JoAnn Wilbour for her beautiful piano music. JoAnn then said a few words about an upcoming free musical event being hosted in 2 weeks on September 23rd by Senior Village.  It will be music of the 50’s and 60’s, held here in the Ballroom and is open to all.  She encouraged everyone to attend.

Jean announced we are continuing our annual fund raising for the Mammoth/San Manuel School District with this years project Cap & Gowns for the Kindergarten students with additional funds to go to the teachers for classroom supplies. The yellow box is here at the luncheon and is always available on Mondays at putting.  As of this date we have collected $1,492 with a goal of $2,000.

As the ongoing project to demystify our organization Jean asked Kim Halper and Roberta Wisniewski to give a brief presentation on their duties as Event Advisors.  Kim went over their duties and emphasized the information is also available on our Website.  Roberta added more details stating there are instructional manuals for each of the events which she provides to the committees.  A reminder went out there is still an open Board position for this job in 2025.

Jean thanked Anne Everett for her last minute run to provide dessert today.  The Dessert Ladies for this month were unable to bring dessert at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances.

An announcement was made by Jean regarding our next event which is Putter Partners.  It is scheduled for October 23rd and is an afternoon/evening event.  For those of you who are new, you and a partner sign up to play together and will be paired with another couple.  That will constitute a team.  Depending on how many sign ups we have, there could be six on a team.  You may bring your spouse to be your partner or a friend or two Putters can sign-up together.  Your partner does not have to be a Putter member.  We usually putt in the late afternoon around 4:00 p.m. and then follow with a dinner which will be in the ballroom and an awards ceremony.  At this time the committee is just beginning to meet so details will be coming soon.  This includes information as to the cost of the dinner, menu, play-to-pay, etc.  It was emphasized that a lot of the men participate in this event so assure your husband or partner that they will not be alone.

Jean reminded everyone that we will not be putting for the next 3 weeks due to aeration of the course.  When we return on October 7th we will have our Winter Hours start time of 9:30.  The Lunch schedule will also adjust with start times 30 minutes later.  She will send out a NewsBlast to remind everyone of these changes.

September Birthdays were announced as follows:

Cathy Scott 9/1
Ginger Cannon 9/1
Jan Arruda 9/1
Pat Reding 9/2
Pat Carney 9/3
Judy Hardy 9/7
Ginny Shockey 9/11
Kaye Caulkins 9/13
Sandy Valeton 9/13
Thelma O’Loughlin 9/13
Carolyn Johnson 9/17
Christine Schmitz 9/17
Danielle Schamp 9/18
Dorothy Anderson 9/18
Dana Wolff 9/19
Maralyn Shirk 9/19
Lori Hill 9/22

The 3 Ladies in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung.  The Birthday Gift Card was won by Carolyn Johnson.

As lunch was being served, Jean thanked the servers and bartenders who always take great care of us.

After lunch the meeting continued…….

Winners Cards for the month of August were announced and passed out to those in attendance:

Money Hole:  Ruth Sollin and Carol Ferry

One new 39er for the month of August was:

Ruth Sollin (It was noted she got her 39er Sticker on her first day of putting as a new member!)

Committee Cards for the month of August were announced and passed out to those present.

Vicki Graham              Chip Starter

Linda Greenough        Chip Starter

Joan Davis                  Course Setup

Raye Cobb                  Course Setup

Betty Magee                Course Takedown

Denise Gilliat-Norgard Course Takedown

Jean announce there were no Monthly Awards for August as due to the limited putting days August and September will be combined and awards presented in October.

The Free Lunch was then drawn and Loretta Edgerton was the lucky winner.  Jean again reminded all that the green certificate needs to go in the Black Box for the luncheon you wish to attend.

Names were drawn and door prizes of a $10.00 Gift Card went to the following:  Dayle Rupp and Dar Pittman.

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Anne Everett was announced as the winner of $81.50.  She reluctantly stated that she had purchased the ticket for Sandy Valeton who was unable to attend and would be passing on the winnings to her.

Jean announced that next month’s luncheon will be October 14th.  Checks are due in the black box by Monday October 7th, which is the first day we return to putting.  The menu for the luncheon will be a pulled pork sandwich and the cost remains at $20.00.  This will also be the Election of the 2025 Board.

Additional announcements by Jean were as follows:

–  Starting January 1st all Winners Cards will be put on golf accounts and will only be redeemable in the Pro Shop.  Committee Cards, Door Prizes, etc. will continue to be issued as cards that can be redeemed at the restaurants or Pro Shop.

–  The date of the Annual Meeting has been changed due to a scheduling conflict and will now be Wednesday January 22, 2025.  Be sure and change your pink calendar.


The last remaining Board Position as been filled as Dayle Rupp has agreed to be Event Advisor for 2025.  Hooray!

As there was no additional business, Jean asked for a motion to adjourn. Pam Smith made the motion and Kim Halper seconded it.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05.

Ann Cristofani


August 12, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Jean Kraus at 10:56 am. She
announced that the Goofy Golf Committee would be doing their presentation
and would be playing Golf Bingo before lunch. The rest of the business
meeting would continue during and after lunch.

After several fun games of Golf Bingo, Jean proceeded with the meeting
There were no questions or corrections to the July 8, 2024, Luncheon Meeting
Minutes. Ginny Shockey moved to approve the minutes as printed. The
motion was seconded by Dottie Adams. The motion was approved.

The July 2024, treasurer’s report was read by Sandy Strack in Marilyn
Ginther’s absence. The beginning balance was $14,873.76 with income of
$1,211.00 and expenses of $1,163.44. Ending balance was $14,921.32, with
a working balance of $3,176.00

Jean reminded everyone about our current fundraiser for the Mammoth/San
Manuel School District. We are raising money to provide new caps and
gowns for the pre-school graduation. The yellow box is available today and
will be at each putting session. So far, we have collected $708.00.

Sandy Valeton and Anne Everett gave a short presentation of their Member-
AtLarge positions. They oversee committee assignments. Anne explained
that she does the computer work and Sandy does the heavy lifting, which
includes calling members who have not signed up for positions at the annual
meeting and filling openings that occur when people cannot meet their
obligations. Anne asked everyone to please return Sandy’s calls, so she
doesn’t have to call more than once. Every member is responsible for filling
one (and only one) committee position each year. Our group cannot function without these committee positions being filled. We also have a list of back-up
“Angels” for when we have last minute absences. After the committee
assignments are complete, Anne does a spread sheet that lists all the
assignments. This spreadsheet is posted on the MVLP website for member’s
reference. Jean Kraus also suggested that members put their assignments on
their personal calendars. The other obligation for the Member-At-Large
position is to attend a monthly board meeting. Jean also commented that after
a member completes their committee assignment, they are rewarded with a
$10.00 gift card.

Jean thanked Peg Senst and Eva Machann for being our dessert ladies for
August and September.

The following Putters have August birthdays:
Patti Deegan 8/6
Mary Himpler 8/7
Mary Williams 8/9
Karyle Steele 8/12
Cathie Siglow 8/18
Dottie Adams 8/19
Fira Stout 8/21
Liz Houser 8/29

Everyone sang a rousing chorus of Happy Birthday. The winner of the
Birthday Gift Card was Cathie Siglow.

After lunch, Jean Kraus continued the agenda with Winner’s Cards for July.
4 Holes-in-One
Kaye Caulkins
Patty Stark
Raye Cobb
Sandy Strack

5 Holes-in-One
Joann Wilbour

Money Hole

Ann Cristofani
Carol Ferry
Dottie Adams
Judee Lund
Karel Titone
Lori Bolme
Neba Reiter
Pam Smith
Patty Stark (twice)
Raye Cobb
Roberta Wisniewski
Sandy Bulakowski

There were no new 39 scores for July.

Gift cards were awarded to those putters who have completed their committee

Committee Cards – July
Marcia Munich and Pat Wells– Chip Starter
Neba Reiter, Anne Everett and Jean Kraus – Course Set-up
Mary Himpler and Dayle Rupp – Course Takedown
Board members received their gift cards for serving on the board as well.

Monthly Awards:
Roadrunner Award: (low gross) Pat Wells
LouAnn Garvin Award: (low net) Pat Wells
Jean noted that no one has ever won both the Road Runner and LouAnn
Garvin Award in the same month.

Hole-In-Wonder Award: Patty Stark – Patty had eleven holes in one for the

The Goofy Golf Committee announced the winners for the tournament.

Low score went to Kaye Calkins
High score went to Gloria Stuntbeck Olson, Loretta Edgerton and Christine
Schmitz. To break the tie, each winner chose a number that was closest to a
pre-chosen number. The prize winner was Christine Schmitz.
There were two winners for the most holes-in-one, Barbara Bloch and Gaye

The winner of the monthly free lunch was Roberta Wisnewski.

The Goofy Golf Committee drew Door Prizes for Goofy Golf, and they went to
Christine Schmitz, Myrl Carter Dahman, Kaye Calkins, Annette Moyle and
Maralyn Shirk.

The Monthly Door Prizes were awarded to Loretta Edgerton, Betty Magee,
Anne Everett and Pat Wells

The 50/50 drawing amounted to $95.50 and Sandy Valeton’s ticket was the

Jean Kraus thanked our wonderful servers who always take such good care of
us. We appreciate all that you do.

Our next luncheon is September 9th . The luncheon will be a Chrispy Chicken
Sandwich. The cost will be $20.00. The deadline for having your check in
the black box is September 2, 2024.

There being no further business, Jean asked for a motion to adjourn. The
motion was made by Marsha Munich. Mary Williams seconded the motion,
and the meeting was adjourned at 12:14 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Anne Everett for Ann Cristofani, Secretary


July 8, 2024

The meeting was called to order by President Jean Kraus at 11:00.  She thanked JoAnn Wilbour for her beautiful piano music. JoAnn then said a few words about an upcoming free musical event being hosted later this week by Senior Village.  She encouraged all to attend.  Jean went on to thank Margie Nicholson and Mary Ann Cram for the chocolate candy on the table and called everyone’s attention to the table decorations that represented the top of a candy box.  Margie and Mary Ann are providing candy for the entire year.

As there were no questions or corrections in regards to the minutes previously posted on the website, a motion was made by Patty Stark and seconded by Sandy Strack to approve the minutes of the June 10, 2024 Luncheon Meeting.  The motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of June.  Beginning working balance was $3,157.67 with an ending balance of $3,195.44.

Jean announced we are continuing our annual fund raising for the Mammoth/San Manuel School District with this years project Cap & Gowns for the Kindergarten students.  The yellow box is here at the luncheon and is always available on Mondays at putting.  As of this date we have collected $663.00.

As the ongoing project to demystify our organization Jean asked Marilyn Ginther to say a few words about her responsibilities as Treasurer.  Marilyn explained the different aspects of her job, gave a presentation on how the annual dues are allocated and how the funds are categorized to make sure they are used as intended.  It was very informative.

Jean thanked Kim Bennett for being in charge of the dessert for June and July.  This is her committee assignment for the year.

July Birthdays were announced as follows:

Mary Ann Cram7/2

Olga Clouser7/2

Annette Moyle7/3

Neba Reiter7/6

Carol Kirkner7/11

Peg Senst7/12

Wanda Brown7/14

Diane Kirstine7/26

Loretta Edgerton7/26

Lorna Kitchen7/26

Deb Stauffer7/27

Roxy Heacock7/28

Linda Martin7/29

Jo Ann Wilbour7/31

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung.  The Birthday Gift Card was won by Jo Ann Wilbour.

As lunch was being served, Jean thanked the servers and bartenders who always take great care of us.  Also Marilyn Ginther announced that today we were celebrating National Chocolate with Almonds Day.  Table decorations, candy, special drink and dessert were all Chocolate themed.  She also explained that each person had been given a sheet of Word Scrambles to work on with a prize going to the person who gets the most correct.  All words were Chocolate with Almond candy items.

After lunch the meeting continued…….

Committee Cards for the month of June were announced and passed out to those present.

Chip Starters:  Maralyn Shirk and Pat Schweighardt

Course Set-up:  Judee Lund and Dottie Adams

Take Down:  Joan Brookhart and Pam Smith

Dessert for June & July:  Kim Bennett

Winners Cards for the month of June were announced and passed out to those in attendance:

4 Holes in One:  Kim Halper

Money Hole:  E.J. Snearly and Jan Arruda (2)

New 39ers for the month of June were:

Carla DeWolf – 35 on 6/10

Lorie Bolme – 39 on 6/24

Monthly Winners for June were as follows:

Roadrunner Award: (low gross)Maria Miller37.5

LouAnn Garvin Award:(low net)Karel Titone29.7

Hole-In-Wonder Award:  Tied with 5 each……

Ginnie Schoepf

Kaye Caulkins

Pam Smith

EJ Snearly

Those in attendance had their photos taken with their awards.

Marilyn came back to the podium to talk about the history of chocolate with almonds and go through the correct answers for the Word Scramble.  There was one table that worked as a group and got all the correct answers.  Although there was only one prize, the winning putters divided up their bounty to everyone’s satisfaction.  Marilyn also stated there were small boxes on the front table for everyone to take home and surprisingly there was more chocolate candy inside.  A fun celebration!

The Free Lunch was then drawn and Pam Smith was the lucky winner.  Jean again reminded all that the green certificate needs to go in the Black Box for the luncheon you wish to attend.

Names were drawn and door prizes of a $10.00 Gift Card went to the following:  Carolyn Johnson, Danielle Schamp and Vicki Strief.

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Maria Miller was the lucky winner of $80.00.

Jean announced that next month’s luncheon will be August 12, which is the day of the Goofy Golf event.  No sign up is needed for Goofy Golf and you do not need to go to the lunch to participate or also you can go to the lunch without doing Goofy Golf.  But it is a very fun event with an Hawaiian theme so everyone is encouraged to come in Hawaiian clothes or colorful garb.  The menu for the luncheon will be the Bogey Hoagie Wrap. Cost is $20.00 and checks are due by August 5th.  In addition the luncheon will include a fun round of Golf Bingo.

As there was no additional business, Jean asked for a motion to adjourn.  Karen Stott made the motion and Pam Smith seconded it.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:14.

Ann Cristofani



June 10, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 10:55 by President Jean Kraus.  She welcomed all and stated how great it was to be back to putting today.  She thanked Mary Ann Cram and Margie Nicolson for providing the generous candy on the tables.  This will be their job the rest of the year.  She also recognized that the pens and paper packets and decorations in front of the stage were provided by Marilyn Ginther to commemorate National Ball Point Pen Day.  An additional thank you was extended to JoAnn Wilbur for providing some beautiful piano music as we found our seats.

Jean went on to state that each table had information sheets describing the responsibilities of the open Board Positions for 2025……Vice President, Member-at-Large for Set-up, Chip Starters and Take Down and 2 Event Advisors.  More information regarding those positions will be forthcoming at future luncheons.  The annual Board elections have been changed from October to November to provide more time for finding candidates.

As there were no questions or corrections in regards to the minutes previously posted on the website, a motion was made by Ginnie Schoepf and second by Loretta Edgerton to approve the minutes of the May 13, 2024 Luncheon Meeting.  The motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of May.  Beginning working balance was $3,268.64 with an ending balance of $3,157.67

Jean then thanked the wonderful servers and bartenders who always take such good care of us.  We do appreciate all that they do.

Jean announced that Patti Deegan will be heading up the School Supply Committee while Pat Carney is out of town.  We have not yet received the amount of funds needed for the replacement robes for the Kindergarten class, but we will continue to add funds to the yellow box during the summer.

In an ongoing opportunity to update new members as well as longtime members presentations will be made at future luncheons regarding rules, procedures, job descriptions and whatever else needs to be “demystified”.  Jean announced that today Past President and current Board Member Kim Halper has a Trivia Quiz regarding our Standing Rules and Procedures.

Kim proceeded to ask a few multiple choice and true or false questions asking all to join in with the answers.  Good information, some fun laughter and we found there were a few of us “old timers” that could use some refreshing.  Very nice presentation.

Jean also did a quick breakdown of why our dues are not prorated.  Even if a putter joins late in the year, most likely they will get most of their dues back with participation in the  Holiday Luncheon and completing a job assignment.  A final Thank You was given to Kim Bennet who brought dessert today and will also bring it in July.

June Birthdays were announced as follows:

Teri Spencer6/4

Marsh Webster6/8

Sandy Bulakowski6/10

Sheri Nockels6/16

Kathy Rambur6/17

Ann Cristofani6/18

Judy Kendall6/21

Pam Smith6/22

Marilyn Ginther6/24

Sandy Strack6/24

Marty Fisher6/25

Rose Albertson6/27

Linda Schweitzer6/28

Barbara Turner6/29

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung. The Birthday Gift Card went to Marilyn Ginther.

As lunch was starting to be served Marilyn went over a short history of the Ball Point Pen being celebrated today.  She read a short poem she composed early one morning and asked any in attendance to job down a poem, haiku, saying, etc. on the note pads each received.

After lunch the meeting continued……..

Committee Cards for the month of May were announced and passed out to those present.

Sheri Nockles & Kris Rudin – Ranchette Committee

There were no Winners Cards or Monthly Winners for May and no new 39ers.

As our delicious dessert of Cheesecake was served Marilyn asked if anyone had jotted down a thought, poem or whatever and Roberta Wisniewski quickly stood and read her Haiku about putting.  That was followed by JoAnn Wilbour reading a poem she had composed a few years ago about sitting on her patio in beautiful Saddlebrooke.  Thank you to both of these putters for sharing.

The monthly Free Lunch drawing was held and Marcia Munich was the lucky winner.  Jean reminded everyone if they win a Free Lunch the green slip they were given needs to be put in the Black Box by the monthly deadline for luncheon signups.

Names were drawn and door prizes of a $10.00 Gift Card went to the following: Maralyn Shirk, Eva Machann and Marilyn Ginther!

The 50/50 raffle was held and Margie Nicholson was the lucky winner of $88.50.

Jean announced that the July Luncheon will be held of July 8th with a deadline for sign-up of July 1st.  Cost is $20.00 and the menu will be a Par Three Salad – tuna, chicken and egg salad on a bed of lettuce.

As there was no additional business, Jean asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mary Williams made the motion and Margie Nicholson seconded it.  Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 12:05.

Ann Cristofani


MAY 13, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 11:05 by President Jean Kraus. She
welcomed all and thanked Mary Ann Cram and Margie Nicolson for
providing today’s candy. This will be their job the rest of the year. She
also recognized that the tea cups and table decorations were provided by
Marilyn Ginther. An additional thank you was extended to JoAnn Wilbur
for providing some beautiful piano music as we gathered.

As there was no formal luncheon meeting in April due to the Quail Creek
event there are no minutes to approve for that month.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of April. Beginning
working balance was $3,046.45 with an ending balance of $3,268.64.

Jean then thanked the wonderful servers and bartenders who always take
such good care of us. We do appreciate all that they do.

Pat Carney from the School Supply Committee came forward to discuss
this years campaign. Once again we will be raising money for the San
Manuel/ Mammoth School District. She has spoken to their representative
and they asked for us to designate the funds for the replacement of the
pre-school graduation robes. The cost has not yet been determined, but
we are well on our way to raise the funds. A chart with a “thermometer”
will track our progress. Pat then did a turn around the room with the
yellow box and collected some funds from the generous putters in

Jean gave out another Thank You to Patty Stark for being the Dessert
Lady for March and May. Kim Bennet will be bringing dessert for June and

May Birthdays were announced as follows:
Anne Everett 5/1
Sally Murphy 5/1
Pat Wells 5/3
Pat Wysocki 5/6
Rachel Wankling 5/7
Judy Falewicz 5/11

Suzy Strauss 5/11
Dayle Rupp 5/13
Lorene Buscher 5/13
Joyce Sutay 5/16
Karel Titone 5/16
Betty Weller 5/19
Kim Halper 5/21
Carol Ferry 5/24
Gayle Norona 5/25
Joan Davis 5/31

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung
accompanied by JoAnn on the piano. The Birthday Gift Card went to Suzy

Committee Cards for the month of April were announced and passed out to
those present.
Sandy Gianotti & Joyce Sutay – Chip Starter
Jan Kaufman and Paula Fulton – Course Set-up
Nancy Maglio and Barbara Ueckert – Course Takedown
Marsh Webster, Sam Donatell, Gayle Norona, JoAnn Evans and
Kathy Rambur – Quail Creek Committee
Patty Stark – Dessert Lady

Winners Cards for the month of April were passed out to the following
4 Holes-in-One: Suzy Strauss and Betty Weller
Money Hole: Jeannie Hepner, Danielle Schamp, Ann Cristofani (2),
Karen Stott, Pat Schweighardt, Pat Morris, and Marilee Jones

There were no new 39er Club members in April.

After our delicious lunch of Cobb Salad, Rolls and Lemon Blueberry Pound
Cake the meeting continued.

The monthly Free Lunch drawing was held and Cathie Siglow was the
lucky winner. Jean reminded everyone if they win a Free Lunch the green
slip they were given needs to be put in the Black Box by the monthly
deadline for luncheon signups.

Jean next announced the monthly winners for April as follows:

Roadrunner Award – Low Gross – Maria Miller 36.5
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award – Low Net – Danielle Schamp 31.0
Hole-in-Wonder Award – Tied: Betty Weller & Ann Cristofani – 6

Names were drawn and door prizes of a $10.00 Gift Card went to the
following: Pam Smith, Karyle Steele and EJ Snearly

The 50/50 raffle was held and Danielle Schamp was the lucky winner of
Jean announced that the June Luncheon will be held of June 10th with a
deadline for sign-up of June 3rd. Cost is $20.00 and the menu will be a
Baked Potato Bar.

We do plan on returning to putting on May 27th and she
will send out a NewsBlast if any change to this date.

Marilyn Ginther then presented some fun facts about Mother’s Day and
read a cute story that all of us ladies could relate to.

A thank you was given to Marilyn for her contribution to our May Luncheon.

As there was no additional business, Jean asked for a motion to adjourn
the meeting. Ginnie Schoepf made the motion and Roxy Heacock
seconded it. Motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 12:15.

Ann Cristofani

Click here to access the March 11, 2024 Luncheon Meeting Minutes. It is now posted as a PDF file.

January 8, 2024

President Patty Stark welcomed all Putters and one guest and called the meeting to order at 12:00.

A motion was made by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Mary Ann Cram to approve the minutes of the December 11, 2023 Luncheon/Meeting.  Motion carried.

Patty made the following announcements:

–  With winter here there could be frost delays on the golf course that will affect putting.  Check the website under “Putting Status” to see if there is a delay and what time putting will begin.  This information will be posted by 8:00 a.m.  You can also check directly with the Pro Shop after 7:00, but the website will be your best source for the information as the time for putting might not be affected by the Frost Delay.  There could also be a NewsBlast, so check your emails.

–  Annual Registration is coming up on its new date of Wednesday January 17th.  Dues will remain at $72.00 for 2024.  Come at 9:00 if you are a returning member, sign up for your committee and stay for the introductions of the new officers and a short business meeting.   Renewing members will receive a surprise at the end of the meeting.  New Members should arrive at 8:15 to register and for Orientation at 8:30.

–  The Standing Rules and Procedures have been updated to reflect current procedures.  In addition the following statement has been added:  “Be polite, friendly and respectful of other Putters when they are putting.  All cell phones should be placed on Silent Mode and only used for extremely urgent calls.”  New members will receive a copy and returning members can view the updated SR&P on the website.

–  the HOA2 Activity Fair is January 20th in the MV Ballroom from 8:00-11:00. Kim Klindtworth and Roxy Heacock will be there for MVLP.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of December.  Beginning working balance was $2,461.72. Ending working balance was $2,313.35.

Committee Cards for the month of December were announced and passed out to those present.

Course Takedown:  Charla Blacker

January Dessert:  Ginny Shockey

Invitations:  Fira Stout

Winners cards for December were passed out to the following Putters:

Money Hole:  Laura Sensabaugh

4 Holes in One:  Marilyn Ginther

The monthly winners for December were then announced.

Roadrunner – Low Gross – Tied:  Marcia Munich & Marilyn Ginther 40.0

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger – Low Net – Tied:  Ginny Shockey & Peg Senst 34.0

Hole in Wonder – 6 – Kim Halper

Trophies were awarded to those present and photos taken.

New 39er’s

Kim Klindtworth 12/4   39

Linda Jordan11/13  35

January Birthdays were announced as follows:

Roberta Wisniewski1/2
Jo Ann Ciaciuh 1/2
Marcia Munich 1/5
Jean Kraus 1/7
Pat Morris 1/8
Sheila Dahlgren 1/12
Karen Stott 1/19
Margie Nicholson 1/26

Donna Vargas1/30

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung.  The Birthday Gift Card went to Jean Kraus.

Patty thanked the servers and bartenders for their continue great service and lunch was served.

As lunch was winding down Marilyn Ginther emceed an Elvis Trivia Game in recognition that January 8th was Elvis’ birthday.  Names were drawn and putters were asked to answer an Elvis question and then spin the lucky wheel for a prize whether the answer was right or wrong.  The  winners either received a Las Vegas themed prize or two lucky Putters received gift cards.  Marilyn provided decorations and was dressed in a Elvis Era outfit.

The meeting resumed with the drawing of the free lunch and Dot Wilson was the lucky winner.

The 50/50 raffle was held and Mary Williams was the recipient of $93.00.

As there was no Putting this morning due to the weather, Patty read the stats from January 1, 2024.

28 Putters, 2 Guests

Holes in One:  34

4 Holes in One:  None

5 Holes in One:  None

Money Holes were #10 & #9:  Kay Tomaszek

7 Putters were at 39 or below

Low gross was 37 – Marcia Munich

Patty went on to announce that Donna Vargas was resigning from the Board due to health reasons.  Kim Halper has agreed to become one of two Event Advisors.  Marcia Munich made a motion to accept Kim Halper as Event Advisor for 2024.  Jean Kraus seconded the motion and the motion passed.

As there was no additional business Patty thanked everyone for coming and asked for a motion of adjournment.  Dottie Adams moved to adjourn, Cathy Scott seconded the motion and the motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:55.

Ann Cristofani


December 11, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 12:00.

A motion was made by Karen Stott and seconded by Carla DeWolf to approve the minutes of the November 13, 2023 Luncheon/Meeting.  Motion carried.

Patty read a Thank You letter from the charity receiving a donation in the name of Earl O’Loughlin husband of Thelma O’Loughlin and father of Kris Rudin.

Patty thanked the servers and bartenders for their ongoing excellent service.

The Monthly Award Winners for November were announced by Patty with Sandy Strack stepping in to announce the “surprise” winner of the LouAnn Garvin Tiger Award.

Roadrunner – Low Gross Marcia Munich 36.0

LouAnn Garvin Tiger – Low Net Patty Stark 28.0

Hole in Wonder – Marcia Munich 13

New 39ers were announced and stickers passed out to the following:

Diana Schulz11/13/2337

Ginger Canno  11/20/23  38

Linda Jordan 11/13/23 35

Winner Cards for the month of November were announced as follows and given to those wanting to use them in 2023.

Money Hole – Betty Magee, Carla DeWolf, Carolyn Johnson, Dorothy Anderson, Dottie Adams, Ginnie Schoepf, Judy Matchett, Marcia Munich, Patty Stark, Paula Fulton

5 Holes in One – Gay Uhl $15

4 Holes in One – Diane Kirstine, Dottie Adams, Sandy Strack $10, Marcia Munich $20

Previously distributed were the Committee Cards for the month of November for the following Putters:

Chip Starters:  Marcia Munich, Gloria Olson, Kathy Berkbigler.

Course Setup: Cathy Scott, Dot Wilson, Cathie Siglow

Course Takedown: Karel Titone, Vicki Strief, Marsh Webster

Sunshine: Maralyn Shirk

Webmaster: Phyllis Meierhenry
Holiday Luncheon: Linda Martin, Marilee Jones, Elizabeth Vaughan

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of November.  Beginning working balance was $4,364.60.  Ending working balance was $2,461.72.

Marilyn, Chairperson of the Holiday Luncheon Committee, then began the program by recognizing and thanking her committee.  In addition she thanked Jo Ann Wilbour for providing the beautiful Christmas piano music and presented her with a $25 gift card.

Marilyn also made the following announcements:

There will be no change in dues for 2024.

Each putter was provided with a calendar of events for 2024 and on the reverse side was a listing of the special event committees and dates for meetings.  As Putters will be signing up for jobs at the Annual Meeting on Wednesday January 17th, this information is very important.  In addition the organization really needs a Publicity person and Photographer, so she asked that members think about volunteering for those jobs.

Lunch was served.

The Holiday Program continued with music and a sing-a-long by Randall and Linda Dighton and Susan Stewart.  Marilyn thanked them at the conclusion of their program and presented a $50 gift card.

Gift bags were passed out to each Putter and some lucky ladies had their names drawn and received their choice of beautifully wrapped gift


Patty returned to the podium to acknowledge the following Putters celebrating their birthdays in December:

Gloria Olson12/1
Ruthie Thoren 12/2
BJ Murray 12/3
Jan Laufmann 12/7
Ginnie Schoepf 12/9
Holly Konecny 12/10
Phylis Meierhenry 12/10
Judee Lund 12/11

Jan Kaufman12/11
Pat Schweighardt 12/15

Maria Miller12/17

Linda Greenough12/19

Susan Bodine12/25

Almost all were present and Happy Birthday was sung.  The winner of the Birthday Gift Card was Jan Laufmann.

The Free Lunch was drawn and Sandy Valeton was the lucky winner.

The 25/25/50 Raffle was held and Pat Brothers and Pat Morris were the lucky winners of $138.50 each.

Patty thanked everyone for coming and asked for a round of applause for the wonderful job and all the hard work done by the Holiday Luncheon Committee.

A motion was then made by Margie Nicholson and seconded by Jo Ann Wilbour to adjourn the meeting.  The motion passed and the meeting was adjourned at 1:30.

Ann Cristofani


November 13, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 11:40.

A motion was made by Kim Klindtworth and seconded by Roberta Wisniewski to approve the minutes of the October 9, 2023 Luncheon/Meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of October.  Beginning working balance was $4,191.88.  Ending working balance was $4,364.60.  Patty then thanked Marilyn for the beautiful fall decorations.

Patty announced that the Holiday Luncheon is December 11th and the committee has been working hard to make sure it is an extra special event.  Since annual dues include the luncheon cost, Patty encouraged everyone to attend if possible to enjoy a delicious lunch as well as a few surprises.  Everyone needs to sign up “yes” or “no” and if yes pick your entree choice from the following:  Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Primavera or Vegan Pomodoro.

Patty also announced that our Annual Registration Meeting has been changed from Thursday January 18th to WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17th.  New members are to arrive at 8:15 with Orientation at 8:30 and returning members should arrive at 9:00.  Sign-ups for job assignments for the 2024 year will be done followed by a short meeting to recognize the retiring 2023 Board Members and introduce the 2024 Board.

As a reminder Patty asked that Putters refrain from wearing perfume to Monday morning Putting as some members have allergies to strong fragrances.

Committee Cards for the month of October were announced and passed out to those present.

Chip Starters:  Linda Jordan, Carol Ratza, Judy Matchett

Course Setup: Roxy Heacock, Ruthie Thoren, Carol Ferry, Jan Kaufman

Course Takedown: Pat Schweighardt, Patti Deegan, Julie Kalar, Carla DeWolf

Charity: Judy Falewicz, Karen Stott

Quail Creek Event: Anne Everett, Myrl Carter Dahman

Luncheon Dessert: Jan Laufman

November birthdays were announced as follows:

Barb Lancaster11/5
Julie Kalar 11/10
Jaci McGeorge 11/11
Kathy Berkbigler 11/16
Pat Storey 11/16
Gay Uhl 11/24
Betty Magee 11/25
Nancy Jewett 11/25

Pat Brothers11/25
Darlene Pitman 11/30

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung.  The Birthday Gift Card went to Betty Magee.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and “Lucky” Betty Magee was the winner!

Winners cards for October were passed out to the following Putters:

4 Holes in One:  Ginnie Schoepf  (Received $20 for doing it twice)

Money Hole:  Cathy Scott

The monthly winners for October were then announced:

Roadrunner – Low Gross 36.8 — Tied: Kay Tomaszek & Raye Cobb

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger – Low Net 28.3 — Holly Konecny

Hole in Wonder – 9 — Ginnie Schoepf

Patty will deliver the awards to the winners or pass them out at Putting on November 20th.

New members of the 39er Club were announced.

Charla Blacker     10/30/2339

Gloria Olson         10/23/2339

Kaye Caulkins      10/16/2337

Olga Clouser        10/9/2339

Suzy Strauss        10/30/2336

The 50/50 Raffle was held and the winner of $119.00 was Dot Wilson.

Two $10.00 gift cards were awarded to Jan Laufman and Lorna Kitchen.

The buffet lunch was served.  Prior to dessert, Marilyn Ginther emceed a Thanksgiving Word Search game.  The first 8 Putters to complete the search correctly were awarded a prize.  Thanks to Marilyn for another fun activity.

The Servers and Bartender were thanked for their continued excellent service.

As there was no additional business a Motion was made by Jean Kraus to adjourn the meeting with a second by Roxy Heacock.  Motion carried.  The meeting was adjourned at 12:45.

Ann Cristofani


October 9, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 11:50.

A motion was made by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Karel Titone to approved the minutes of the September 11, 2023 Luncheon/Meeting.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of September.  Beginning working balance was $4,217.47.  Ending working balance was $4,191.88.

Karen Stott from the Charity Committee gave a wrap-up of this years fund raiser for the Mammoth-San Manuel School District.  Total donation was $2,122.00.  She stated she received a call from the Superintendent/Principal who expressed her thanks stating how grateful the school was for our donation.

Patty read two thank you cards from Putters Raye Cobb and Dar Pittman who had received the get well cards signed by all the members.

Patty announced the information regarding the Quail Creek event scheduled for November 8th.  As it is their 20th Anniversary they are planning a special lunch and event for our visitation with lots of prizes.  Lunch will be Pecan Chicken Salad with birthday cake and ice cream for dessert.  There will be a no host bar and a special drink available.  The cost is $40 per person with the checks due in the Black Box by October 27th.  The bus will arrive at Mountain View at 7:30 with an 8:00 departure.  There will be water and a small snack provided for the trip down to Quail Creek.  Pink Putters Shirts and black pants will be the dress of the day.

Patty next announced the Holiday Luncheon which will be held on December 11th.  The menu has been decided on and choices will be Beef Stroganoff, Pasta Primavera with Chicken or Vegan Pomodoro.  All entrees will come with rolls and butter and a surprise dessert.  There will be a no host bar and a special drink will be available.  Flyers were passed around with the details and the Sign-Up Sheet was also circulated.  All members must indicate if they are going or not and if going, choose their entree.  The Sign-Up Sheet will be available on Monday mornings and at the November luncheon until the deadline of November 20th.

The 2024 Board was then presented by Patty.  The Slate of Officers are as follows:

President – Kim Klindtworth

Vice President – Roxy Heacock

Secretary – Ann Cristofani

Treasurer – Marilyn Ginther

Statistician – Lorna Kitchen

Special Events – Pat Storey

Event Advisor – Roberta Wisniewski

Event Advisor – Donna Vargas

Member-at-Large – Annette Moyle

Member-at-Large – Loretta Edgerton

Member-at-Large – Sandy Valeton & Anne Everett

Membership Coordinator – Sandy Strack

A motion to accept the 2024 officers was asked for and Past President Kim Halper made the motion.  It was seconded by Joyce Sutay.  A vote was called for and the motion passed.

Patty thanked Mary Himpler for picking up todays dessert and Mary  was presented with the October Activity Committee gift card.  The servers and bartenders were thanked for all they do by Patty on behalf of the group.

October birthdays were announced as follows:

Natalie Murdock 10/3
Carla DeWolf 10/6
Mary Cummins 10/8
Marie Gordon 10/12
Kathy Conrad 10/13
Ro Conti 10/20
Shauna Rand 10/22
Dawn Hecht 10/30

Those in attendance were asked to stand and Happy Birthday was sung.  The Birthday Gift Card went to Carla DeWolf.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and Jan Laufmann was the lucky winner.

The November Luncheon menu will be a baked potato bar with all meat chili, diced onion, cheddar cheese, bacon bits, butter and sour cream.  And dessert of course!

The 50/50 Raffle was held and President Patty Stark was the very lucky winner of $120.00.

Just prior to lunch being served Marilyn Ginther provided some fun entertainment by drawing names of Putters who were asked to participate in a putting game.  With a beautiful banner as a backdrop, the Putters were given 3 chances to putt down a green carpet to reach the hole at the end without going in the water or sand trap.  Prizes were awarded to those participating who were as follows:

Vickie Strief

Jan Laufmann

Kim Halper

Dottie Adams

Eva Machann

Olga Clouser

Sandy Valeton

Lunch was served.

As a final item two lucky Putters had their names drawn to receive gift cards……. Peg Senst and Kim Halper.

Patty thanked everyone for coming and called for a motion to adjourn the meeting.  Karel Titone made the motion and Roberta Wisniewski seconded it.  The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:55.

Ann Cristofani


September 11, 2023

Prior to the meeting being called to order, President Patty Stark
asked Jeannie Hepner to come forward to introduce the featured
entertainment. Jeannie gave a brief history of the hula group and
turned it over to Glenda Fredricks who explained their full name is
Nani Loa Kupuna Hula Halau. 4 dances were performed and then
several Putters joined in for the last dance. $10 gift cards were
presented to each dancer in appreciation of their performance.

The Meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 12:00.

A motion was made by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Loretta
Edgerton to approve the minutes of the August 14, 2023
Luncheon/Meeting. Motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the report for the month of August.
Beginning working balance was $4,188.22. Ending working balance
was $4,217.47. Marilyn then explained the final results of the 2023
School fund raiser asking Karen Stott from the Charity Committee to
join her. They proudly displayed a “giant” check representing the
funds to be given to the Mammoth-San Manual School District.
President Patty will deliver the check in the next few weeks. Karen
and co-chair Judy Falewicz (who was unable to attend the luncheon)
did an outstanding job meeting and exceeding our 2023 goal with a
grand total of $2,122.00!

Patty thanked the servers and bartenders for the great job they
always do.

Patty made the following announcements:
There are several Putters Under Par and cheery cards will go
around today for them so we know we are thinking of them….
Dar Pittman broke her leg
Judy Falewicz had a hip replacement
Donna Vargas is home doing rehab after back surgery
Raye Cobb fell and fractured her pelvis
Dawn Hecht had a knee replacement

Hopefully if all the stars align & everything continues to go well
with construction at Mountain View golf course, they will now
open the Back Nine holes 10-18 on October 9th. The Practice
Range and the Putting Area will also open then. Keep your
fingers crossed for no more delays!!

As you read in the NewsBlast, I am begging you to please
consider volunteering for our two remaining offices, Vice
President and Member At Large. STOP……..NEWS FLASH……
Sandy Valeton and Anne Everett have just volunteered to be
Co-Members at Large!!!! All we need now is a Vice President.
It truly takes a village to keep our organization running and we
need you to help us right now. We can do two people for the
position if that would make it easier. Please, please, please help
us, I don’t know how we can continue without this position
filled. Patty also explained the duties of the Vice President and
then the President position the next year. It is not has hard as
it sounds and there will be lots of help from everyone.

Lunch was served.

Monthly gift cards for committee assignments were passed out to
the Activity Committee for September: Jeannie Hepner and Sally

The September birthdays listed below were announced with those in
attendance asked to stand. They were celebrated with the singing of
Happy Birthday.
Cathy Scott 9/1
Ginger Cannon 9/1
Jan Arruda 9/1
Judy Hardy 9/7
Ginny Shockey 9/11
Kaye Caulkins 9/13
Sandy Valeton 9/13
Thelma O’Loughlin 9/13
Carolyn Johnson 9/17
Dorothy Anderson 9/18
Kim Klindtworth 9/19
Maralyn Shirk 9/19
Sue Rains 9/22

And the winner of the Birthday Card was…. Carolyn Johnson.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and Myrl Carter-Dahman was the
lucky winner. The luncheon menu will be a 3 Par Salad with chicken,
tuna and egg salad on a bed of greens.

Patty announced that the October Luncheon should be the
presentation of our Officers for next year. She hopes we can fill our
remaining position so we can do this.

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Sandy Strack introduced to the
group our brand new member Suzy Strauss as she was the lucky
winner of $52.50.

Two gift cards were drawn and the winners were Anne Everett and
Myrl Carter-Dahman, it must be her lucky day!

Patty thanked everyone for coming and called for a motion to
adjourn the meeting. Pam Smith made the motion and Cathy Scott
seconded it. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at
Ann Cristofani


MVLP Luncheon Meeting Minutes

August 14, 2023

MV Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at __12:05 pm______________

July meeting minutes were emailed to everyone, I hope you all had a chance to read them over and correct any glaring errors.  Can I hear a motion to accept?

Made by Ginny Shoepf_________________ Seconded by __Mary Williams____________________ All in favor? Accepted Unanimously.


Marilyn Ginther, _ please give us a synopsis of the Treasurer’s report. Balance of _$4188,22________as of July 31.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us. And the bartender!   We appreciate all that you do.

Elections are coming up in October and we have two positions open, Vice President and Member at Large. Please, we really need these positions to run our organization, please consider volunteering.

In September, lunch costs are going up to $20. We are sure you are aware of the increases in food costs. The club does not make money on these lunches, we pass the amount directly to HOA2.

We learned that Donna Vargas is facing another surgery, please keep her in your thoughts, and drop her a card, which we learned really, really cheer her up.

Marilyn Ginther made a plea (by crawling into a child’s school bus dressed in a dress and high heels) for donations to the Mammoth/San Manual teacher’s fund. We currently need $330 to reach our goal of $2000.

Now continuing with our agenda here are the August BIRTHDAYS. Will the following ladies please stand, and remain standing for our heartfelt rendition of Happy Birthday!

Ann LaPierre 8-4
Dorrie Piper 8-5
Mary  Hempler 8-7
Mary Williams 8-9
Cathie Siglow 8-15
Dottie Adams 8-19
Fira  Stout 8-21
Marla Butcher 8-25

The birthday drawing winner is____Mary Hempler__________________________

Now it’s time for a free lunch drawing:

FREE LUNCH: _Pat Brothers____________________

50/50 DRAWING: The amount is___$150___________ and the winner is Mary Williams, $75

The door prize winner was Betty McGee. A motion to adjourn was made by Ginny Schoepf, seconded by Loretta Edgerton.

If no one has any other business, it is time to call for a motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 12:30.

Prepared by Roberta Wisniewski

JULY 10, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 11:30.

A motion was made by Vicki Strief and seconded by Marcia Munich to approve the
minutes of the June 12, 2023 Luncheon/Meeting. Motion carried.

In the absence of the Treasurer, Marilyn Ginther, Sandy Strack gave the Treasurers
Report for the month of June. Beginning working balance $4,225,27. Ending working
balance $4,242.75.

Patty introduced the guest speaker for today…..Linda Hampton from Senior Village.
Linda gave a presentation about the origination of Senior Village, the services it
provides, the cost to join and ways to contribute. There are currently 350 Senior Village
organizations nationwide. The SB chapter has almost 2,000 members and 400+
volunteers. A brochure was provided to each Putter for further information.

Patty thanked our servers and bartenders for a job well done. The special drink of the
day was a Pink Lemonade with Rum. Very tasty!

As there were still several empty positions that needed to be filled through the end of
the year, Joyce Sutay sat at the check-in table to sign up volunteers. She was pleased
to announce that of the 23 spots she needed to fill, she was now down to 2.

Patty announced the following:
– Everyone should keep their eye out for the next editions of the two SB
papers as the Putters will have articles this coming month. This is thanks to our
Treasurer Marilyn Ginther who wrote the articles and provided photos.
– New menus for luncheons recently came out and the price for lunch will be
increasing $1.00 to $20.00 starting in September.
– Still two open board positions for next year…..Vice President and Member-at-
Large. See her or any board member if interested.
– The August Luncheon program will be Trivia organized by Joyce Sutay. The
menu will be a ⅓ pound burger with lettuce, tomato, onion and Colby Jack
Cheese on a Brioche bun. Served with pickle spear and chips plus a yummy

Lunch was served.

Monthly gift cards for committee assignments were passed out to the following
Putters: Margie Nicholson and Jo Ann Ciaciuch

The July Birthdays listed below were announced in addition to our Guest Speaker
Linda Hampton. They were celebrated with the singing of Happy Birthday.
Mary Ann Cram 7/2
Olga Clouser 7/2
Sheri Couto 7/2
Annette Moyle 7/3
Jo Ann Ellison 7/6
Neba Reiter 7/6
Peg Senst 7/12
Diane Kirstine 7/26
Loretta Edgerton 7/26
Lorna Kitchen 7/26
Roxy Heacock 7/28
Jo Ann Wilbour 7/31

Loretta won the Birthday gift card.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and Jo Ann Ciaciuch was the lucky winner.

Loretta was asked to draw the name for one of the two gift cards to be given out and
she drew her OWN name! The other lucky winner was Cathie Siglow.

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Marcia Munich was the winner of $77.50.

Karen Stott from the Charity Committee announced current contributions to the School
Fund stand at $774.00 with a goal of $2,000. Funds can be put in the yellow box,
black box or sent directly to the Treasurer, Marilyn Ginther. She then passed the yellow
box and received an additional $147.00! Thank you Putters!!!

Patty called for a motion to adjourn the meeting and Raye Cobb made the motion and
Karel Titone seconded it. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:55.

Ann Cristofani

JUNE 12, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 11:35.
A motion was made by Ro Conti and seconded by Mary Ann Cram to approve the
minutes of the May Luncheon/Meeting held on May 8, 2023. The motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the Treasurers Report for the month of May. Beginning
working balance $4,078.03. Ending working balance $4,225.27.

Patty then turned the meeting over to Jean Kraus and Kim Klindtworth for the Golf
Bingo Program. After some explanation the games began and 4 games were played
with the following lucky winners: Judy Falewicz, Loretta Edgerton, Kathy Rambur and
Sally Murphy. Even those that did not win had a great time!

Patty thanked our servers and bartenders for a job well done. The special drink of the
day was a Dirty Arnold Palmer. Not so beautiful but very delicious.

Karen Stott and Judy Falewicz from the Charity Committee reported on the current
status of the School Supplies Fund which at that moment stood at $319. After stating
any contributions would be appreciated the Yellow Box was passed around and the
Putters were more than generous. An update of the fund status will be announced at
the July Luncheon.

Lunch was served.

Monthly gift cards for committee assignments were passed out to the following
Board Members: Patty Stark, Kim Klindtworth, Roberta Wisniewski, Ann
Cristofani, Marilyn Ginther, Sandy Strack, Donna Vargas, Jan Arruda, Joan
Davis, Annette Moyle, Loretta Edgerton, Lorna Kitchen, Joyce Sutay

The June Birthdays listed below were then celebrated with the singing of Happy
Teri Spencer 6/4
Marsh Webster 6/8
Sandy Bulakowski 6/10
Kathy Rambur 6/17
Ann Cristofani 6/18
Judy Kendall 6/21
Pam Smith 6/22
Marilyn Ginther 6/24
Sandy Strack 6/24

Marty Fisher 6/25
Rose Albertson 6/27
Barbara Turner 6/29

Marilyn won the Birthday gift card.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and Ro Conti was the lucky winner.

Patty announced that the program for the July Luncheon will be a presentation by
Senior Village organized by Margie Nicholson. The menu will be an Asian Chicken
Salad with teriyaki chicken, Napa cabbage, romaine lettuce, shredded carrots,
cucumbers, green onions, purple cabbage, mandarin orange slices, orange ginger
sesame dressing & crispy rice noodles. Plus dessert TBD. Cost is $19.00.

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Sally Murphy was the winner of $89.50.

Patty then called for a motion to adjourn the meeting and Mary Williams made the
motion and Ginny Schoepf seconded it. The motion carried and the meeting was

Ann Cristofani

May 8, 2023

Luncheon meeting was called to order by Patty Stark, President at 11:20am.

Minutes from the March 13, 2023 have been posted on the website and a motion was made by Kathy
Scott to accept them into the record, seconded by Sue Rains and the motion passed.

Marilyn Ginther gave the Treasurer’s Report.

Patty Stark turned meeting over to Sue Rains to introduction of our guest speaker today, Brianne
Spaeth, Pharm D.; Brianne is the owner, pharmacist at Desert Life Pharmacy.

Desert Life Pharmacy was voted Best Pharmacy in 2022 and Brianne Speath received a Congressional
Award for Covid vaccine efforts in 2020.

Karen Stott gave a presentation regarding this year’s School Supply Drive, our goal is to provide
$2000.00 by the fall to be used by teachers for school supplies. The yellow box will be available at
luncheons or members can put a donation in the black box, please mark your check for School Supplies.
Also checks can be mailed to the Treasurer, Marilyn Ginther.

Patty Stark continued the meeting by thanking our servers and bartenders for always doing such a great
job. Lunch was served.

After lunch the meeting was continued.

Committee cards were awarded for the month of April.
Course Setup: Ann LaPerre, Raye Cobb and JoAnn Wilbour.
Course Takedown: Pat Storey and Ro Conti
Activities Committee May Luncheon: Sue Rains and BJ Murray
Ranchette Event Committee: Barb Lancaster, Dayle Rupp, Betty Weller, JoAnn Evans, Gay Uhl and
Marla Butcher.
Patty Stark read list of all birthday putters for April and May. Putters joined in singing Happy Birthday to
our putters. The winner of the Birthday Card for April was Elizabeth Vaughn and for May was Anne

Free Lunch drawing won by JoAnn Wilbour

Door Prize drawing won by Marilee Jones

Monthly winners for April:
Roadrunner Award 35.5 Pat Wells
LouAnn Garvin Tiger 30.8 Kaye Caulins
Hole in Wonder 5 Pat Storey and Kathy Berkbigler

Next month’s luncheon will be on June 12, 2023; Menu is a Bogie Hogie Wrap with Black Forest Ham,
smoked Turkey, lettuce, tomato, onion, pepperoncini, sun dried tomato and relish. All wrapped in a
Spinach and Herb Wrap. Served with a pickle spear and chips. The cost is $19.00.

The program for June will be Golf Bingo presented by Jean Kraus and Kim Klindtworth.

A special MVLP cheer was presented by Marilyn Ginther and Roberta Wisniewski.
MVLP Is the place I want to be.
Monthly Luncheons, Activities
Speakers, Games that aim to please.
Fun with ladies of all ages
Laughing, crying and “what the blazes”
Full of Cheer
All through the year!
Go Putters!!

50/50 Raffle won by Patty Stark.

Patty Stark states we will need the following board positions for next year:

Vice President, (replacing Kim Klindtworth)

Special Events Coordinator, (replacing Joan Davis)

Member at Large (replacing Joyce Sutay).

Please consider joining the board. Feel free to contact any board member for information.

Motion to adjourn the meeting by Ginny Schoepf and seconded by JoAnn Wilbour.
Meeting adjourned at 1:00pm.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Lorna Kitchen

MARCH 13, 2023

The meeting was called to order by President Patty Stark at 12:00.

A motion was made by Ginny Schoepf and seconded by Dottie Adams to
approve the minutes of the February Founders Day Luncheon/Meeting held on
February 13, 2023. The motion carried.

Treasurer Marilyn Ginther gave the Treasurers Report for the month of February.
Beginning balance $4,458.18. Ending working balance $4,013.94.
Patty reminded everyone that putting times change with the first of April with
announcements/putting starting at 8:30.

She reviewed the upcoming Ranchettes event to be held on April 17 (there will
be no regular lunch in the month of April). Putting will be at 9:30 that day.
MVLP should arrive at 8:30 for registration. Ranchettes to arrive at 9:00. The
Putter Arch will be done to welcome the Ranchettes. Checks in the amount $25
are due by April 3rd. Putters are asked to wear their pink shirts and white pants.
Additional information can be found on the Website.

Patty announced that there will be special programs at each of the luncheons
during our non-putting months. As of now the schedule is as follows:

May – Desert Life Pharmacy
June – Bingo
July – Senior Village
August – Trivia
September – Hula

Patty then thanked our servers and bartenders for a job well done. The special drink of
the day was a Grasshopper and it was beautiful as well as delicious.

Lunch was served.

Monthly gift cards for committee assignments were passed out to the following

Chip Starters: Paula Fulton, Pat Morris, Jean Kraus, Pat Wells
Course Setup: Kay Tomaszek, Mary Cummins, Nancy Jewett, Maria Miller, Diana
Schulz, Marty Fisher
Course Takedown: Ginger Cannon, Sandy Valeton, Betty Magee, Susan Bodine
Sputter Event: Barb Turner, Neba Reiter

Winners gift cards for the month of February went to the following putters:

4 Holes in One: Ann Cristofani, Barb Turner, Kathy Birkbigler, Jean Kraus,
Marilyn Shirk, Maria Miller, Pat Wells, Ruthie Thoren
5 Holes in One: Carol Ferry, Kay Tomaszek, Loretta Edgerton, Marcia Munich,
Paula Fulton, Raye Cobb
Money Hole: Carla DeWolf, Kathy Birkbigler, Kay Tomaszek, Kim Klindtworth,
Paula Fulton, Sandy Valeton

These monies go on the Putters HOA2 account. Greens fees for the month were $203
with $230 going to winners.

The March Birthdays listed below were then celebrated with the singing of Happy

Kris Rudin 3/6
Jo Evans 3/11
Laura Sensabaugh 3/13
Janice Keating 3/15

Raye Cobb 3/15
Linda Jordan 3/22
Marilee Jones 3/30
Marilee won the Birthday gift card.

The Free Lunch drawing was held and Sandy Valeton was the lucky winner.

Patty then drew 6 names for the live Shamrock plants which were the festive center
pieces. She thanked Marilyn Ginther for the special St. Patrick’s Day decorations and
for donating the plants.

The February Winners were then announced.

Roadrunner Award 36.0 Pat Wells (not in attendance)
(Low Gross)
LouAnn Gavin Award 29.7 Dottie Adams
(Low Net)
Hole in Wonder 10 Kay Tomaszek (not in attendance)

39 Stickers were won by BJ. Murray 37 on February 27th
Rose Albertson 38 on February 27th

The 50/50 Raffle was held and Karen Stott was the winner of $78.00.

Patty then called for a motion to adjourn the meeting and Pam Smith made the motion
and Roberta Wisniewski seconded it. The motion carried and the meeting was
adjourned at 12:55 p.m.

Ann Cristofani

25th Annual Founders Day & Awards Luncheon

February 13, 2023
Mountain View Ballroom

President Patty Stark called the meeting to order and welcomed everyone to our
25th Founders Day Celebration. She related we are gathered together to honor
Lou Ann Garvin, who founded the Putters with 33 women in 1998. Our current
membership is 118, but in 2007 we had 250 members and had two different
putting sessions to accommodate all members. Patty had asked Dar Pittman, a
current member who is also a founding original member, what Putters was like in
1998 and relayed many interesting details about the original group and events
held. Things were very different back then.

Patty next thanked the Founder’s Day committee for the outstanding job they
did in putting this celebration together. They were asked to stand for
introductions and for a round of applause in appreciation.

The meeting was then turned over to Donna Vargas to introduce the 11 Past
Presidents with us today. All Past Presidents were asked to make a few remarks
about their term as President. Those in attendance were:

2006 Mary Baglien
2008 Marijo Lewis
2009 Patty Elliott
2010 Kim Halper
2012-13 Marcia Munich
2016 Cathy Scott
2017 Pat Wells
2018 Gay Uhl
2019 Pam Smith
2020 Eileen “EJ” Snearly
2021 Jean Kraus

* In the absence of the 2022 President Roberta Wisniewski, Patty shared her
comments about her recent term.

Also in attendance were two Founding members: Dar Pitman and Diane Steele
Donna also thanked Karel Titone with the help of Raye Cobb for the cute silver
gift wrapped boxes full of candy everyone received. Also thanks to Dar Pitman
for making the invitations to the Past Presidents. The committee also made the
beautiful napkin roses at each place setting. She reminded everyone there was
a display of photos and other mementos up front as well as the beautiful
decorated cake all honoring Lou Ann Garvin and 25 years of Mountain View
Lady Putters. And she gave a final thank you to the servers and bartenders for
taking such good care of all of us.

Each Past President and Founding Member was presented with a red rose. A
special raffle for the Past Presidents was then held and the winner Patty Elliott
received a hand painted gourd made by Donna Vargas.

Business Meeting

Patty continued the meeting as follows:

The minutes of the January Luncheon Meeting were previously posted on the
website for everyone to read. A motion was made by Jean Kraus and seconded
by Patty Elliott to approve the minutes as presented. The motion carried.

Marilyn Ginther gave the Treasurer’s Report for January 1-31, 2023.

Our next event is Sputter/Putters on March 6th. A check for $22 should be put
in the black box no later than February 22nd. Only 36 spots are available so a
lottery may need to be held.

Gift cards for jobs or committee assignments were distributed as follows:
CHIP STARTERS: Teri Spencer.
COURSE SETUP: Judy Mattson.
COURSE TAKEDOWN: Natalie Murdock, Olga Clouser.
AWARDS: Judy Hardy, Dorothy Anderson.
FOUNDERS DAY (2023 Committee). EJ Snearly, Ginnie Schoepf, Mary Williams,
Dar Pitman, Kathy Rambur

Winner cards for January were distributed as follows:
4 HOLES IN ONE: Gay Uhl, Judee Lund
MONEY HOLE: Ginger Cannon, Ginny Shockey, Julie Kalar, Kay
(These monies will go into their HOA2 account)

The February birthdays were announced and those in attendance were asked to
stand so Happy Birthday could be sung.
Patty Stark 2/2
Jeannie Hepner 2/8
Eileen (EJ) Snearly 2/26
EJ was the winner of the Birthday gift card.

The winner of the Free Lunch was drawn and won by Diane Kirstine.

January Award Winners
Roadrunner Award 37.5 Ro Conti
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award 29.7 Teri Spencer (not present)
Hole in Wonder 6 Ro Conti

Annual Award Winners
Roadrunner Award
Low Gross 38.9 Maria Miller (not present)
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger
Low Net 34.8 Judee Lund
Hole in Wonder 57 Maria Miller (not present)

The 50/25/25 raffle total was $323.00. Jo Ann Ciaciuch and Anne Everett
were lucky winners of $80.75 each.

Eleven lucky Putters received $10 gift cards in a drawing of names.

Patty asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting, made by Sally Murphy and
seconded by Kim Halper. The meeting was then adjourned at 1:33 p.m.

Ann Cristofani

The meeting was called to order by President Roberta Wisniewski at
12:03. She wished all a Happy New Year and acknowledged this would be
the last luncheon meeting of her Presidency. She extended another thank
you to the awesome Holiday Luncheon committee for an outstanding job
on this years event.
The minutes from the December Luncheon Meeting were not available for
review and approval but to recap…… The November winners were as
follows: Roadrunner – Marla Butcher, Hole-in-Wonder – Judy Matchett and
Pat Wells, Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award – Dot Wilson. The 50/25/25 Raffle
had a total of $515 and two lucky Putters each received $129. A draft
copy of the 2023 calendar was passed out so everyone could get a head
start on picking their committee or job for next year.
Kathy Rambur presented the Treasurer’s Report for 12-31-22 showing a
closing balance of $5,492.15. This include $862.00 in the prize account
and $1,696.82 in the raffle ticket account. (Per Roberts Rules of Order the
Treasurers report does not need a vote of approval.)
Roberta thanked the servers and bartender for their continued excellent
service. They are much appreciated.
Roberta reminded everyone of the upcoming Annual Meeting to be held
January 12, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. here in the ballroom. Be prepared to sign
up for your job or committee for 2023. Come a little early to fill out your
membership registration. Don’t forget your check for $72.00. A reminder
that a description of all assignments are on the Website. If any questions,
ask any board members.
The January birthdays were celebrated with only 5 putters in attendance.
The $10 birthday gift card was won by Jean Kraus.
Committee cards were passed out to those in attendance. A list of those
eligible for cards were as follows:
Chip Starters: Carol Thompson, Pat Doane
Course Setup: Janice Keating, Dot Wilson, Sheila Ratza
Course Takedown: JoAnn Ciaciuch
Winners cards were passed out to those in attendance. A list of those
earning a card were as follows:
4 Holes in One: Ruthie Thoran
Money Hole: Dottie Adams ($20), Gloria Olsen, JoAnn Wilbur, Marty
Fisher, Pat Morris, Patty Stark, Shauna Rand
The monthly winners for December were then announced.
Roadrunner – Low Gross 40.0 —- Maria Miller
Lou Ann Garvin Tiger – Low Net 31.0 ——- Pat Brothers
Hole-in-Wonder 6 —— Phyllis Meierhenry
Roberta asked that if anyone had joined the 39 Club and had not received
a sticker to come forward. There were no new 39ers this month.
The Free Lunch drawing was held and Maria Miller was the winner.
The 50/50 Raffle prize was $77.00 and won by Phyllis Meierhenry.
As there was no additional business a motion was made by Ruthie Thoran
to adjourn the meeting with a second by Mary Ann Cram. The motion
carried and the meeting was adjourned at 12:55.
Ann Cristofani
Acting Secretary

November 14, 2022

Mountain View Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at 12:03 PM by Roberta Wisniewski.

October Meeting minutes were sent out to everyone. A motion was made by Mary Ann Cram and seconded by Patty Stark. Motion passed.


 The October Treasurer’s report was given by Kathy Rambur.  The beginning balance was $8,997.16.  Closing working balance was $3,182.57. According to Robert’s Rules of Order, it is not necessary to approve the Treasurer’s report.


 Roberta thanked all the Servers and the Bar Tender and said how much we appreciated all that they do to take great care of us.


Roberta asked members to come up to the stage anytime to look at the wonderful Thank You notes from the Students and Teachers for the funding of the Science Bus. The notes from the Middle School were heartwarming and the drawings of the snakes and bugs were wonderful.


 Our first away game in two years was held on October 26th with the Ranchettes. The Saddlebrooke Ranchettes were excellent hosts

and everyone had a great time putting, visiting, and lunching with them.


 The Christmas luncheon sign up list was passed around.  Roberta asked everyone to please check/enter your name even if you are unable to attend.  We need to make sure everyone is accounted for.

There are 3 choices for lunch, Salmon, Chicken or Vegetarian.  The list will be at putting for the next few weeks if you need to check your calendars to make sure December 12th is available.  You may NOT sign up for a friend.

Remember, your 2022 dues have already paid for your lunch.


 Roberta thanked The Founder’s Day Committee Members: Sally Murphy, Ginny Schoepf, Mary Williams & EJ Snearly.


 Roberta announced a date change for our annual mandatory meeting for all putters. The pink calendar states January 19th, but the date has been changed to Thursday, January 12th. The meeting will be held in the Mountain View Ballroom at 9:00 AM for returning members and at 8:30 AM for new members to receive orientation. Please bring your check for $72.00 made out to MVLP and be ready to sign up for a Committee or assignment for 2023. There will be tables around the room with each Committee or assignment.  You can read all the descriptions on our website, which is MVLPutters.com


Barb Lancaster – 11/5

Julie Kalar – 11/10

Kathy Berkbigler – 11/16

Pat Story – 11/16

Suzan Carter – 11/22

Gay Uhl – 11/24

Betty Magee – 11/25

Nancy Jewett – 11/25

Pat Brothers – 11/25

Darlene Pitman – 11/30

Betty Magee won the Birthday $10 gift card.


Committee gift cards from HOA 1 went to:

Chip Starters – Raye Cobb

Course Setup – Marie Gordon, Ruthie Thoren

Course Takedown – Jo Ann Bilbour, Shauna Rand

Webmaster: Phyllis Meierhenry

Sunshine: Ann LaPerre

Ranchettes: Mary Williams, Ginnie Schoepf


 4 holes in one – Pat Brothers

5 holes in 1 – None

Money Hole – Ann LaPerre, Jo Ann Evans, Kathy Rambur, Kim Klindtworth, Linda Jordan, Nancy Jewitt, Patty Stark

These monies go on their HOA2 account.

The Roadrunner Award went to Maria Miller with a 37.6 average.

The Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award went to Marla Butcher with 30.6.

The Hole in Wonder with 9 holes went to Maria Miller and Ruthie Thoren

New 39 Club Members were:

Anne Everett – 39 on 9/5/22

Linda Greenough – 39 on 9/5/22

Paula Fulton – 39 on 10/10/22

FREE LUNCH: Dar Pitman

50/50 DRAWING: $187.  Winner of $93 – Donna Vargas

Kathy Rambur made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Ginny Schoepf seconded it. Meeting was adjourned at 1:05 PM.

Submitted by Patty Stark, Vice President MVLP 2022

October 14, 2022

HOA2 Mountain View Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at 11:58 AM by Roberta Wisniewski.

Waived the reading of September minutes.


The September Treasurer’s report was given by Kathy Rambur. The

beginning balance was $12,400.26. Closing balance was $8,997.16.

It was moved to accept the treasures report by Pat Wysocki and seconded

by Ginny Schoepf.


Putter Shirts have been distributed to their new owners; however, 6 or 7 XL

still remain on back order.


We want to let you know how we appreciate all that you do and the great

care you take of us… and the Bat napkins.


Many of our officers are remaining in their current positions, for that we

offer a huge thank you. As I call your name please stand and remain

standing until we can do a voice vote as required by our by-laws

Here are the members for the next year.

President – Patty Stark

Vice President – Kim Kindsworth

Secretary – Ann Cristofani

Treasurer – Marilyn Ginther

Membership Coordinator – Sandy Strack

Statistician – Lorna Kitchen

Special Events Coordinator – Joan Davis

Event Advisor – Donna Vargas

Event Advisor – Jan Arruda

Member at Large – Annette Moyle

Member at Large – Loretta Edgerton

Advisor – Roberta Wisniewski

A voice vote was conducted as required by our by-laws

It was moved by Marcia Munich and seconded by Roxie Heacock to accept

this slate of officers.

The vote was unanimous.


Our first away game in two years will take place on October 26th with the


Lunch will be a club croissant with ham, turkey, cheese & veggies.

Accompanied by a pasta salad, fruit, and a cookie. The cost is $25

including prize money. Checks must be in the black box by Friday, October

14th by 2PM.

We will be carpooling. Please let Mary Williams know if you can be a

driver and if you are going with friends


The Christmas luncheon sign up list was passed around. Please enter

your name even if you are unable to attend. We want to make sure

everyone is accounted for.

The list has 3 choices for lunch, Salmon, Chicken or Vegetarian. The list

will be at putting for the next few weeks if you need to check your

calendars. You may NOT sign up for a friend.

Remember, your 2022 dues have already paid for this lunch.


In a previous new blast, Roberta asked for volunteers to serve on the

committee. She thanked Sally Murphy, Ginny Schoepf, Mary Williams & EJ

Snearly for quickly responding to her request.


Jean Kraus and Sandy Strack presented the membership with a side-by-

side comparison of 2022 budget with dues at $72.00 and a 2023 budget

with dues remaining at $72.00. Based on 135 members for 28 putting days

(Due to MV closure in 2023). 2022 averaged 63 putters per week. MVLP

dues of $72.00 have only increased by $5.00 in the last 18 years. The

MVLP budget divided in to 3 categories:

  1. CLUB EXPENSES – Amounting to $17.00 per member and

includes printing, score cards, free lunches, luncheon candy,

activity fair entry fee, January working board meeting lunch for

both current and new board members, and tables for annual


  1. HOLIDAY LUNCHEON – A few years back the members were

polled and it was unanimously decided to keep that lunch free to

the members. The cost of the luncheon is $24.00 of the $72.00.

  1. PRIZE ACCOUNT – This pays our green fees of $1.00 per putter

per week, the committee cards and door prizes and the $10

birthday drawing. The money for the 4 & 5 holes in one and the

money hole is funded though this account.

Up until now, $72 has been sufficient to cover all expenses. Since our

membership has grown the number of putters per week during the summer

months has gone from an average of 40 to 63. This equals out to about

$23 more per week in fees as well as more in prize money.

Our other source of income is the 50/50 drawing at the luncheons.

This was originally used to fund the bus we rent to take to Quail Creek.

The last time we rented the bus (2years ago) the cost was $900. In 2023 it

may well exceed $1000.

Those proceeds now also cover our WEB site expenses of over $250

annually as well as the special events hosting, Quail Creek, The

Ranchettes, The Sputters, Moon Light Madness & Putter Partners.

Currently our budget would be in the hole if it weren’t for the 50/50 balance

and operating portion of our budget.

Because of these very real numbers and 2023 projections, our dues will

remain at $72.00 even though we will not be putting for 5 months.

However, the months that we are putting always have the highest

attendance. (February, the beginning of our fiscal year, thru April &

October thru January.)

We will work diligently to keep the dues down for 2024, however 2023 dues

will remain at $72. Luncheon prices will remain the same for the time

being. Jean Kraus and Jan Arruda are purchasing desserts at Costco and

Bashas to help maintain lower costs.

Motion to accept the dues for next year was made by Ruthie Thoren and

seconded by Kim Klindsworth. Motion carried.


There are 11 October Birthdays,

Lisa Jensema – 10/2

Natalie Murdock – 10/3

Debbie Elofson – 10/4

Carla DeWolf – 10/6

Mary Cummins – 10/8

Marie Gordon – 10/12

Kathy Conrad – 10/13

Ro Conti – 10/20

Shauna Rand – 10/22

Paige Szajnuk – 10/23

Jan Di Enno – 10/3

Marie Gordon won the Birthday $10 gift card.


Committee gift cards from HOA 1 went to:

Chip Starters – Pat Brothers & Marilee Jones

Course Setup – Patty Deegan (Putter Angels)

Course Takedown – Jeannie Hepner, (Sandy Valeton, Putter Angel)

Luncheon Hostess- (candy) JoAnn Evans


4 holes in one – None

5 holes in 1 – None

Money Hole – Annette Moyle & Karel Titone

These monies go on their HOA2 account.

We did not have Roadrunner, Hole in Wonder, or Tiger awards since we

only putted once during September, and Goofy Golf scores didn’t count

towards these awards. The September 5 th scores will be combined with the

four October results and announced next month.

FREE LUCH: Pat Morrison

50/50 DRAWING: $270. Winner of $135 – Roxie Heacock


Meeting was adjourned at 1:30 PM.

Submitted by Sally Murphy, Secretary MVLP 2022

September 12, 2022

MV Ballroom

The meeting was called to order by President Roberta Wisniewski at 11:30.

Roberta said she had so much fun at Goofy Golf and saw lots of smiles and laughter. She thanked the committee Kim Klindtworth, Barb Lancaster, Vicki Strief, Betty McGee for their extremely creative ideas. Roberta said that this is always one of her favorite events, and she hoped everyone enjoyed it too!!


Sandy Strack, gave a synopsis of the Treasurer’s report. Balance of $11,631.81 as of August 31, prize account as of that date was $3515.33. It was moved to accept the treasurers report by Karen Stott and seconded by Margie Nicholson. Motion passed. Roberta stated that a special board committee is in the process of restructuring dues as our membership has changed and there has only been a $5.00 increase in dues since 2004. The committee will report their findings to you all as soon as possible.

Roberta thanked our wonderful servers and bartender for always taking such good care of us. Lady Putters appreciates all that you do.

Roberta reported that Mountain View putting course will be closed from April 30th until September 29th. Also, the course will be closed for over seeding starting next Monday, September 19th through October 9th. Our first day back for putting will be October 10th, which will also be our next lunch, and our annual election.

Roberta was very pleased to announce that all positions for next year have been filled. Kim Klindworth volunteered to be Vice President and Joyce
Sutay will be Member-at-Large. Thank you very much!

SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS were announced and everyone sang Happy Birthday to them!

Cathy Scott 9/1
Ginger Cannon 9/1
Jan Arruda 9/1
Judy Hardy 9/7
Marie Nola 9/8
Shelia Ratza 9/9
Ginny Shockey 9/11
Sandy Valeton 9/13
Thelma O’Loughlin 9/13
Carolyn Johnson 9/17
Dorothy Anderson 9/18
Kim Klindtworth 9/19
Maralyn Shirk 9/19
Carol Thompson 9/20
Sue Rains 9/22

The birthday drawing winner was Maralyn Shirk.


Chip Starters: Kim Halper, Gay Uhl NO received for Charity

Course Setup: Cathie Siglow, Dayle Rupp, Paige Szajnuk

Course Takedown: Pat Storey, Ro Conti

Publicity: EJ Snearly NO received for Sputter event

Charity Science Bus: Karen Stott, Gay Uhl

Sunshine: Maralyn Shirk

Goofy Golf: Betty Magee, Barb Lancaster, Vicki Strief, Peg Senst, Kim Klindstworth Roberta W. NO Received for MVLP Board


Road Runner Award (Gross Score) 35.3   Maria Miller

LouAnn Garvin Tiger Award (Net Score) 29.6    Betty Magee

Hole in Wonder    9    Pat Wells

4 holes in one:  Marcia Munich

Money Hole:  Betty Magee, Julie Kalar, Pat Wells, Sandy Valeton

These monies go into your winnings card account.

Our new 39 Club members:

Carol Ferry

Judy Mattson

Vicki Wermager

Roberta announced that if anyone had scored 39 at putting and had not yet received their sticker, to please come up after the meeting and get it.

Roadrunner pins are now here. If you have won this award in the last year, and have not received your pin, let us know. Please see me after the meeting, and I will present you with this awesome, priceless jewelry, which is on a par with a Super Bowl ring.

Mariann Himpler won the Free Lunch drawing.

50/50 DRAWING: The amount was $104.50 and the winner was Carla DeWolf.

The two teams with the lowest scores for Goofy Golf were Team 7 and 10. Team scores ranged from 184-207. Three putters got three holes in one: Loretta Edgerton, Neba Reiter, and Julie Kalar.

Due to funds being low, there was not a gift card drawing this month.

A motion was made by Joyce Sutay to adjourn the meeting and was seconded by Maralyn Shirk. Motion passed.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20.

August 8, 2022

HOA2 Mountain View Restaurant

The meeting was called to order at 11 AM by Roberta Wisniewski.

Thank you again, Joyce Sutay, for the great candy treats


 All MVLP members were e-mailed a copy of the minutes from the July meeting.  Mary Ann Cram moved to accept and Ginnie Schoepf provided the second. The motion passed.


 In Kathy Rambur’s absence, Sandy Strack presented the Treasurer’s report.  The working balance is $3,431.43. Beginning balance of $11,558.16 and closing Balance of $11,631.81 as of 7-31-22.   Amount in winnings account is $1,392.80. It was moved by Suzi Rizzo and seconded by Marilyn Sherk.


We did it!!!!! We met and exceeded our goal of $3,000. Thank you to all our generous members.


We have a tentative closing date of the putting green as end of April, 2023.  It is uncertain as to how long we will be displaced. We believe we will be dark until the end of October.  The MVLP board has some work to do regarding dues, calendar of events from May to the end of October.

Hawaiian Goofy Golf Event:

The good news is before the closure we have a great fun event coming up September 12th.  Hawaiian Goofy Golf!!!!!  For you that have played in this before, you know that the scores don’t count toward your handicap, so just have fun!  We are working with catering to make the lunch menu match the theme.  The event is during our regular putting time and there will be no additional charge.


Ann LaPerre 8/4

Dorie Pipers 8/5

Patti Deegan 8/6

Mary Himpler 8/7

Mary Williams 8/9

Kathy Siglow 8/18

Dottie Adams 8/19

Fira Stout 8/21

Maria Butcher 8/25

Diane Buckley 8/26

Kathy Siglow won the Birthday $10 gift card.


Committee gift cards from HOA 1 went to:

Chip Starters:  Kim Klindtworth.

Course setup:  Pat Wysocki

Course Take Down: Carol Ferry

Luncheon Hostess: Joyce Sutay

Putter Board: Jean Kraus


 FOUR HOLES IN ONE: Pat Wells, Raye Cobb, Mary Cummins, Roberta Wisniewski, Pat Schweighardt.

MONEY HOLE: Ann Cristofani, Carolyn Johnson, Cathy Scott, Janice Keating, JoAnn Ciaciuch, Judee Lund, Maria Miller, Natalie Murdock, Patty Stark.

HOLE IN WONDER: Raye Cobb-11



We now have Road Runner pins.  If you have won this award in the last year and have not received your pin, please see Roberta after the meeting.

“39” CLUB:

We have 2 new members-Paige Szagnuk-39, Kim Halper-37

If you have become a member of the “39” club and have not received your sticker, see Roberta.

FREE LUCH: Myrl Carter Dahman

50/50 DRAWING: $126: $63 to Suzi Rizzo


This month we have two $10 Gift card winners….The Winners are – Kathy Sieglo & Lorna Kitchen.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:58 PM.  Motion to adjourn was made by Jean Krause , Seconded by Mary Williams..

Submitted by Sally Murphy, Secretary MVLP 2022

July 11, 2022

HOA2 Mountain View Restaurant

The meeting was called to order at 11 AM by Roberta Wisniewski.

Thank you, Joyce Sutay, for the great candy treats.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our servers.  We appreciate all that you do.


All MVLP members were e-mailed a copy of the minutes from the June meeting.  Maralyn Shirk moved to accept and Karel Titone provided the second. The motion passed.


Kathy Rambur presented the Treasurer’s report. Beginning balance of $10,996.25.  Closing Balance of $11,558.16 as of 6-30-22.   Amount in winnings account is $1,233.80. It was moved by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Mary Williams

 We really do not have any more news about the up coming golf course closure due this spring.  The golf pros aren.t sure yet when the course will be closed for sure, but the last date was April through September.  Needless to say, the MVLP board has some work to do to figure out what our dues for next year will be.  And setting up the 2023 calendar of events is pretty tricky too.  The closure won’t be as long as the COVID closure was for our group.  We know we will be impacted as the entire course and its practice facilities will be closed due to equipment movements and storage being quite a liability issue.

The good news is before the closure we have

Hawaiian Goofy Golf Event:

The good news is before the closure we have a great fun event coming up September 12th.  Hawaiian Goofy Golf!!!!!  For you that have played in this before, you know that the scores don’t count toward your handicap, so just have fun!  We are working with catering to make the lunch menu match the theme.  The event is during our regular putting time and there will be no additional charge.


Mary Ann Cram 07/02, Olga Clouser 07/02, Annette Moyle 07/03, Jo Ann Ellisoin 07/06. Neba Reiter 07/06, Donna Martin 07/11, Peg Senst  07/12, Holly Alexandre 07/15, Diane Kirstine 07/26, Loretta Edgerton 07/26, Lorna Kitchen 07/26, Helen Pagano 07/27, Roxy Heacock 07/28, Shirly Kobs, 07/28, Sol Remmers 07/28, Peg Runnels 07/30, Jo Ann Wilbour 07/31.

Peggy Senst won the Birthday $10 gift card.


Committee gift card from HOA 1 went to:  Chip Starters; Karel Titcone & Raye Cobb

Course setup:  Maria Miller & Patty Deegan

Course Take Down: Putter Angles

2022 Board Members: Roberta Wisniewski, Patty Stark, Sally Murphy, Kathy Rambur, Sandy Strack, Lorna Kitchen. Joan Davis, Donna Vargas, Jan Arruda, Annette Moyle, Loretta Edgerton, Marty Fisher, Jean Kraus

Special Events – Fira Stout


MONEY HOLE: Betty Magee, Maria Miller, Suzi Rizzo

FOUR HOLES IN ONE – Maria Miller

All other awards will be rolled into July.

New “39”club winners who have not received their “39” sticker need to contact Roberta

FREE LUCH: Lorna Kitchen

SCIENCE BUS: Karen Stout discussed our contribution to the San Manual School District Science Bus.  As of today, we have raised $1500 towards our $3000 goal by the end of August

50/50 DRAWING: $146: $73 to Sandy Valeton


This month we have two $10 Gift cards….The Winners are – Sandy Strack & Ann Everett.

Meeting was adjourned at 11:55 PM.  Motion to adjourn was made by Ginnie Schoepf, Seconded by Margie Nicholson.

Submitted by Sally Murphy, Secretary MVLP 2022

June 20, 2022

HOA2 Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at 11:00 by President Roberta Wisniewski.

Roberta thanked Sue Rains for the treats of candy on the tables.

Due to technical problems, the approval of May minutes was skipped.


Kathy Rambur gave a summary of the Treasurer’s report. Balance of $11,087.61 as of May 31st. Income of $3632.95 received. Expenses of $3723.36. Closing balance of $10997.20. A motion to accept the Treasurer’s report was made by Mary Williams and seconded by E.J. Snearly. Motion passed.

Roberta thanked our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us.  We appreciate all that you do.

In May, we had our most excellent Moonlight Madness event, on the 14th. Everyone enjoyed aiming their glow balls into the direction where they thought the hole was, and some even got holes in one! I think that proves something about our game, just not sure what it means when you can get a hole in one without seeing the lay of the land.

Our next fun event will be Hawaiian Goofy Golf, but that’s not until September 12th. If you’ve been a member for some time, you remember how fun that is, and I promise, this upcoming event will be at least as much fun. It will be held on a regular putting day.

We really don’t have any more news about the upcoming golf course closure due this Spring. The golf pros aren’t sure how much we will be impacted but as soon as we learn how long the course will be closed to us (maybe different than the entire course closure, I don’t know), we will let you know.

JUNE BIRTHDAYS were announced and everyone sang Happy Birthday to our ladies.

6-4 Teri Spencer

6-8 Marcia Webster

6-10 Sandy Bulakowski

6-13 Robbie Herrera

6-17 Kathy Rambur

6-18 Ann Christophani

6-22 Pam Smith

6-24 Marilyn Ginter

         Sandy Strack

6-25 Marty Fisher’

6-27 Rose Albertson


And the birthday $10 card winner is Marilyn Ginter


Chip Starter: Neba Reiter, Debbie Elofson

Course Setup:  Marcia Webster, Mary Himpler, Sandy Gianotti

Course Take down:  Carla DeWolf (No, received for Moonlight Madness), Pat Schweighardt

Luncheon Hostess: Sue Rains

Moonlight Madness:  Jan Kaufman, Jan Laufmann, Judee Lund, Julie Kalar, Suzi Rizzo, Carla DeWolf

Roberta will finish the meeting after lunch.


5 holes in one: Sandy Strack $15

4 holes in one:  no one

Money Hole:  EJ Snearly, Gay Uhl $20, Ginnie Schoepf, Julie Kalar, Kim Klindtworth, Kay Tomaszek, Loretta Edgerton, Marty Fisher, Mary Cummins, Mary Himpler, Nancy Jewitt, Pat Morris, Pat Storey, Pat Wells, Patty Stark, Roberta Wisniewski, Ruthie Thoren, Sandy Valeton, Suzi Rizzo,

And our new 39’er winners are:

38  JoAnn Wilbour

36  Julie Kalar

37  Neba Reiter

39  Roxy Heacock


Road Runner – Ray Cobb

Tiger Award – Sandy Strack

Hole in Wonder – Maria Miller

Jean Kraus won the free lunch drawing.

50/50 DRAWING: The amount is $138 total and Karyl Titone won $69.00. She very generously donated half of her winnings to the Science School Bus fund.

GIFT CARD DRAWING: Jean Kraus, Maria Miller and Marcia Munich won the gift cards.

A motion to adjourn was made by Jean Kraus and seconded by Ruthie Thorn.

The Meeting was adjourned at 11:59.

Minutes recorded by Patty Stark, Vice President.

April 11, 2022

HOA2 Ballroom

The meeting was called to order at 11 AM by President Roberta Wisniewski.

Margie Nicholson and Mary Ann Cram were thanked for the treats of candy

on the tables.

APPROVAL OF MARCH 2022 MINUTES: Secretary Sally Murphy read the

minutes which were accepted by those in attendance. Ginnie Schoepf

moved to accept and Sue Rains provided the second. The motion passed.


Kathy Rambur presented the Treasurer’s report. Balance of $10,680.46 as

of March 31st. Amount in winnings account is $768.80. It was moved by Jan

Arruda and seconded by Mary Williams.


No Vice Presidents report was given.


Dr. Michele Poppen, principal of San Manuel/Mammoth Schools, thanked

the MVLP for our contributions. She explained that this money is used for

an Education Foundation set up especially for our donations and the dollars

are directed to the teachers for their use. ie. field trips, “science bus”

(Which she described) and other special events.


No Member at Large report given.


MVLP will host our sister putters from Quail Creek on April 25th. The cost

will be $22. Signups must take place before 2PM on April 18th. This will be

a lottery event. We are limited to 108 players. 54 from each team. Dress

of the day will be pink “Putter” shirts and white pants. If you do not have

a “Putters” shirt please wear a pink top.


Mid-thigh length shorts. Short sleeve shirts as well as sleeveless shirts are

permitted, no tank tops or bare shoulders. These are the golf course

regulations, not just MVLP.


Pat Doane 4/2, Sheila Bryant 4/5, Dot Wilson 4/10, Judy Matchett 4/13,

Myrl Carter Dahman 4/27, Athena Taylor 4/30. Carol Ratza 4/30, and

Elizabeth Vaughan 4/30.

Dot Wilson won the Birthday $10 gift card. Congratulations!


Committee gift card from HOA 1 went to: Chip Starters; Carol Ratza and

Sandy Cavendar.

Course setup: Sandy Bulakowski, Dorie Pipers, & Roxy Heacock

Course Take Down: Gloria Olson, Ginger Cannon & Sheila Dahlgren

Luncheon Hostesses: Margie Nicholson & Mary Ann Cram

Charity 2021: Susan Bodine & Dorothy Anderson


Shirley Kobs


Low Gross for March: 39.3 Ruthie Thoren


Low Net at 33.0: Dorie Pipers


Tied with 9: Maria Miller & Marcia Munich


JoAnn Ellison (39), Kitty Morgan (36), & Neba Reiter (38)


Dottie Adams

50/50 DRAWING:

$170.00: $85 to Sally Murphy


Sally Murphy, Maria Miller, Kim Klindtworth & Ruthie Thoren

Meeting was adjourned at 12:14PM.

Submitted by Sally Murphy, Secretary MVLP 2022

Annual Founders Day and Awards Luncheon February 14,2022

HOA2 Ballroom

The meeting was called to order by President Roberta Wisniewski at 12:15.

She welcomed the attendees who gathered to honor MVLPs founder Lou Garvin, who with 33 others started the organization 24 years ago. She emphasized that Dar Pittman, one of the original putters was still a regular putter and present at the luncheon. Over the years, membership has varied, with 250 members as our highest number under our late President, Shirley Brown in 2007. She reported the current membership at 121 members, and noted that there was a time when it was necessary to have two putting sessions on Mondays in order to accommodate all of the members.

Eleven past presidents were present and honored  with a long stem red rose. Those included:.

2005 Sandy Wolfersberger

2006 Mary Baglien

2008 Marijo Lewis

2010 Kim Halper

2011 Pat Wysocki

2016 Cathy Scott

2017 Pat Wells

2018 Gay Uhl

2019 Pam Smith

2020 EJ Eileen Snearly.

2021 Jean Kraus

Following the introduction of the past presidents, Roberta noted that there were scrap books of MVLP’s early days on display in the front of the ballroom.

Margie Nicholson and Mary Ann Cram were thanked for donating and distributing candies on the tables.

February Birthdays:

Patty Stark 2-2, Barb Leesly 2-5, Jeannie Hepner 2-8, and Eileen Snearly 2-26

Jeannie Hepner won the birthday gift card.

Kathy Rambur presented the treasurers report which reflected a balance of $5,192,03. It was reported that $1,210 has been raised for school supplies.

The motion was made by Jean Kraus to accept the report and seconded by Kathy Scott.

Special thankyous and applause for our servers and bartender.

Roberta reported that she had delivered our donation of $1210 to the Mammoth/San Manuel school district. The Principal, Dr. Michele Poppen, was very grateful for our donation and informed her that the funds would be available to all teachers from preschool through the 12th grade. There are 548 students in the district, who will directly benefit from this gift.

HOA 1: gift card distribution:

Chip starters: Marilee Jones and Marie Nol

Course Setup:  Coleen Halverson, Mary Riersma, and Sandy Gianotti

Course Take down:  Diane Kirsine, Betty Magee, and Kathy Berkbigler

Awards. This person is responsible for getting the annual awards engraved, and the gift cards for the winners: Judy Hardy

January Winners: New Members of the 39 Club: Dot Wilson, Janice Keating, and Lorene Buscher.

6 Holes-in-One:  Jean Kraus, $15

5 Holes-in-One:   Kathy Birkbigler $15

4 Holes -in-One: Annette Moyle, Dar Pitman, Dottie Adams, Ginnie Schoepf, Jeannie Hepner, Joan Davis, Judy Hardy, Kathy Berkbigler, Marla Butcher, Pat Wells, Phyllis Meierhenry, Ro Conti, Ruthie Thoren, and Sandy Strack, all won $10.

The Roadrunner award for low gross for the month of January was a tie at 38.4 between Dottie Adams and Sandy Strack.

Tiger Award for low net at 31 went to Olga Clouser

Hole-in-Wonder Award – 14 went to Jean Kraus which was the highest achieved in the history of MVLP!

Annual Award Winners: who will have their names permanently engraved in plaques hanging in the hall outside The Mesquite Grill and will also receive a $25 gift card from The Fox Restaurant chain are:

The Roadrunner low gross for the year: Pat Wells with an average of 37.9

The Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award for low net score: Sandy Strack at 34.7

The Hole in Wonder Award for 49 holes in one: Pat Wells

Drawing winners: Free lunch, Sandy Strack

Jeannie Hepner won a beautiful art gourd crafted and designed by

member Donna Vargus.

The winner of the 50/50 drawing was Pam Smith.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50

Submitted by Sally Murphy, Secretary MVLP 2022

MVLP January Luncheon Minutes

January 10, 2022

HOA2 Ballroom

Call to order:  Jean Kraus, President called the meeting to order at 11:50 a.m.

Good afternoon putters!

Thank you to Karen Stott for the treats of candy on the tables.

Approval of December 13, 2021 Luncheon Minutes which were sent out recently.  I hope you all had a chance to read them.

Suzi Rizzo, Acting MVLP Secretary is absent today.  Are there any questions about the minutes?

Can we have a motion to approve the minutes as printed?

The motion to accept the December minutes was made by Karen Stott and seconded by Pam Smith.  Motion passed.

Approval of the December Treasurer’s Report:

Phyllis Meierhenry, Treasurer

Would you please give us the last treasurer’s report?  Beginning Balance – $8,660, ending balance $5,192.  There is still $842 in the price account, $1,224 in the 50/50 account and $1,120 in the school supplies account.  We are going to carry $2,005 forward for next year.

Do we have any questions regarding the treasurer’s report?

A motion was made to accept the treasurer’s report by Maralyn Shirk and seconded by MaryAnn Cram.  Motion passed.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us.  We appreciate all that you do.

January Birthdays:

At this time, we would like to recognize our members with January birthdays.  They are:

1/2 – Jo Ann Ciaciuch and Roberta Wisniewski

1/5 – Dianne Barnard

1/7 – Jean Kraus

1/8 – Pat Morris

1/10 – Julie Smith

1/11 – Sandy Gianotti

1/12 – Ann Steinsvaag and Sheila Dahlgren

1/16 – Beryl Saner

1/19 – Karen Stott

1/26 – Margie Nicholson

1/30 – Donna Vargas

Let’s all sing Happy Birthday.

We also draw a name for a gift card for the birthday girls.  This month’s winner is Donna Vargas.

Board Motion:  The Board met briefly at this meeting to approve the increased cost for the name badges.  This is due to increased cost of the badge and postage.  Badges will now cost $11 which is up one dollar from last year.  The motion to accept the price increase was made by Joan Davis and seconded by Patty Stark.  Motion passed

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving their cards for the month of October are:

Chip Starter:  Gay Uhl, Marcia Webster

Course Setup:  Janice Keating, Cathy Scott, Dot Wilson

Course Take down:  Thelma O’Laughlin

Luncheon Hostess (candy):  Karen Stott

Sunshine:  Linda Edwards, Maralyn Shirk

Every month we award those putters who have 4 or more holes-in-one and the money hole.  These monies go on your HOA#2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the Restaurants.  This month’s winners are:

5 Holes-in-One:  None

4 Holes-in-One:  Ruthie Thoren

Money Hole:  Cathy Scott, Sandra Valeton and Dot Wilson

Monthly we award trophies for Low Gross – the Roadrunner award, Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net) and Hole-In-Wonder Award for most holes in one.  Could we have a drumroll?  The winners are:

Roadrunner Award – Patty Stark    40.0

Tiger Award – E.J. Snearly   34.0

Hole-in-Wonder Award –   Ruthie Thoren         7

We do not have any new 39ers this month.

Congratulations to our monthly winners.

Free Lunch Drawing:

Monthly we have a drawing for a free lunch.

The winner is Annette Moyle.  Congratulations.

50/50 Drawing: 

The winner is Betty McGee for a total of $90.00

Jean thanked everyone for all their assistance this year.  She mentioned that this is her last luncheon and next month Roberta Wisniewski will begin her term as president.

Adjournment:  12:45 p.m.

Minutes taken by Roberta Wisniewski and prepared by Jean Kraus

MVLP Holiday Luncheon Minutes
December 13, 2021
HOA2 Ballroom

Good afternoon putters and happy holidays. I would like to give a great big thank you to the Holiday Committee for all their work. Chairperson – Lisa Jensema; Members:  Darlene Pitman, Deb Adinolfi, EJ Snearly, and Robbie Herrera.

I would like to introduce our four guests:  Laura Sensiba, Marcia Munich (guests of Pat Wells), and Kim Halper (guest of Sandy Strack) – both previous MVLP Presidents and Karen Kelly (guest of Ann Everett) who has been a member previously and will be joining us in February as a returning member. Welcome and it’s good to see all of you.

2022 Calendars are on the tables. On the back are committee assignments for the next year. Please look these over to see what you might want to sign up for at the Annual Membership Meeting on January 20th.

Approval of November 8, 2021 Luncheon Minuteswhich were sent out on the recent NewsBlast. I hope you all had a chance to read them. Are there any questions/comments?

Suzi Rizzo, Acting MVLP Secretary

Can we have a motion to approve the minutes as printed?

Motion made by: Suzi Rizzo

Seconded by: Dottie Adams

Motion passed

Approval of the November Treasurer’s Report:

Phyllis Meierhenry – Treasurer

The report was sent out in the NewsBlast, also. Are there any questions?

Motion to accept the report:  Pat Storey

Seconded:  Joan Davis

Motion passed:

We want to take this time to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us and especially today for our holiday celebration.

December Birthdays:

At this time we would like to recognize our members with December birthdays. They are:

12/2 – Ruthie Thoren;  12/5 – Suzi Rizzo;  12/9 – Ginnie Schoepf;  12/10 – Phyllis Meierhenry;  12/11 – Judee Lund;  12/12 – Debbie Grafmiller;  12/14 – Jeane Liske;  12/15 – Pat Schweighardt;  12/17 – Maria Miller;  12/22 – Sandy Cavender;  12/25 – Lois Bryd and Susan Bodine;  and 12/27 – Mary Beth Snyder.

Let’s all sing Happy Birthday

We also draw a name for a gift card for the birthday girl. The winner this month is Maria Miller.

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments. Those receiving their cards for the month of November are:

Chip Starter:  Sandy Cavendar and Carol Ratza

Course Setup:  Pat Morris, Sandy Wolfersberger and Wanda Ross

Course Takedown:  Jo Ann Evans, Marty Fisher, and Elaine Pearson

Holiday Committee:  Lisa Jensema, Darlene Pitman, Deb Adinolfi, EJ Snearly and Robbie Herrera.

Every month we award those putters who have 4 or more hole-in-ones and the money hole. Those monies go on your HOA2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the Restaurants. This month’s winners are:

5 Holes-in-one:  ($15) Pat Wells and Ruthie Thoren

4 Holes-in-one:  None

Money Hole:  Dorothy Anderson ($20); Pat Doane; Gay Uhl, Olga Clouser, Carol Thompson, and Sue Rains

Jean presented Ruth Catalinotto with the first Mountainview Lady Putters “Putter Emeritus”.  The following is the presentation from Jean as she gave Ruth the award.

“Today I have the honor of presenting a first for Mountainview Ladies Putters. All of you know Ruth Catalinotto who has been a putter for many years. Just this year because of balance issues and safety concerns, Ruth decided to stop putting. Roberta Wisniewski and myself met with Ruth to talk about possible options for the future. Ruth is going to remain on our active roster and receive our communications. She will also be attending luncheons and during good weather will intermittently stop at the putting course and urge us on.

“MVLP Board took action and is pleased to present Ruth with our first ever “Putter Emeritus” designation and name tag. Ruth is receiving this for two reasons: one – because she has attained the age of 95 and secondly made a voluntary agreement to discontinue putting for safety reasons. In addition to being named our first “Putter Emeritus” MVLP will honor Ruth as our guest at future Holiday Luncheons for as long as she wishes to attend.”

Monthly we award trophies for Low Gross – the Roadrunner Award, Lou Garvin Tiger Award (low net) and Hole-In-Wonder for most holes in one. Could we have a drumroll? The winners for this month are:

Roadrunner Award – Pat Wells – 37.0

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award – Natallie Murdock 28.7

Hole-In-Wonder Award – Pat Wells – 10

No new 39ers for November


Monthly we have a drawing for a free lunch.

The winner is:  Sue Rains

Before we do the 50/25/25 drawing I would ask that you stay until the end of the meeting as the Board has something special to share with each of you.

50/25/25 Drawing

Winner # 1:   Judy Matchet

Winner # 2:   Cathy Scott

Now we will all sing Jingle Bells!

Again I would like to give a big round of applause to our Holiday Committee for the terrific job they did for us this year.

Thanks for coming today and have a great afternoon.

Prepared by Acting Secretary Suzi Rizzo

MVLP Luncheon Minutes
November 8, 2021
HOA2 Ballroom

Jean Kraus opened the meeting at 12:00 noon.  
Hello putters.  It’s great to be back in our routine of putting and having luncheons.  Thank you to Jan Arruda for setting up the lunch menu for today.

The Board has set a challenge to our members to see how many $5 contributions we can put in the yellow box for the Education Fund by the end of November.  The box is on the registration table.  

Thank you to Karen Stott for the treats of candy on the tables.

Approval of October 11, 2021 Luncheon Minutes which were sent out recently.  Did you all have a chance to read them?  

Roberta Wisniewski took the minutes as acting secretary Suzi Rizzo was ill.

Jean asked for a motion to approve the minutes as printed.

A motion to accept the October 11, 2021 minutes was made by Karen Stott and seconded by Karel Titone.  Motion passed.

Approval of the October Treasurer’s Report:

Phyllis Meierhenry, Treasurer presented the treasurer’s report for October.

Jean asked for a motion to approve the treasurer’s report as stated.

A motion to accept the October 2021 treasurer’s report was made by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Maralyn Shirk.  Motion passed.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us.  We appreciate all that you do.

November Birthdays:

At this time we would like to recognize our members with November birthdays.  They are:

11/16 – Kathy Berkbigler and Pat Storey; 11/20 – Diane Lunghi; 11/24 – Gay Uhl; 11/25 – Betty Magee and Pat Brothers and 11/30 – Darlene Pitman

Let’s all sing Happy Birthday.  

We also draw a name for a gift card for the birthday girls.  The winner is Darlene Pitman.

Holiday Luncheon Sign-Up:  The Holiday Luncheon is around the corner and the sign-up sheet is on the sign-in table..  Please let us know if you will be able to attend and what your luncheon choice will be.  The sign-up sheet will be available at our regular Monday putting sessions as well.  Deadline for sign-up is November 22.

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving their cards for the month of October are:  

Chip Starter:  Pat Brothers, Teri Spencer

Course Setup:  Pat Schweighardt, Vicki Strief, Shelia Ratza

Course Take down:  Ro Conti, Julie Smith

Putter Partner Committee Members:  Sally Murphy, Jeannie Hepner, GinnieSchoepf, Carole Thompson and Mary Williams

Photographer:  Raye Cobb

Every month we award those putters who have 4 or more holes-in-one and the money hole.  These monies go on your HOA#2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the Restaurants.  This month’s winners are:

5 Holes-in-One:  Ro Conti, Shelia Ratza ($15)

4 Holes-in-One:  Roberta Wisniewski, Pat Wells, Lorna Kitchen, Kathy Berkbigler

Money Hole:  Roberta Wisniewski, Pat Wells ($20), Lorna Kitchen, JudeeLund, Ginnie Schoepf, Gay Uhl, Raye Cobb, Carolyn Johnson, Annette Moyle, Dottie Adams, Kathy Berkbigler, Teri Spencer, Sue Rains and Carie Scalzo

Monthly we award trophies for Low Gross – the Roadrunner award, Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award – low net and Hole-In-Wonder Award for most holes in one.  Could we have a drumroll?  The winners are:

Roadrunner Award – Kay Tomaszek – 36.5

Tiger Award – Shelia Ratza – 25.6

Hole-in-Wonder Award –   Shelia Ratza – 9

We also have three new 39ers:  Judee Lund, Kathy Wudel and Marilyn Ginther


Free Lunch

Monthly we have a drawing for a free lunch.

This month’s winner is:  Karen Stott

Door Prizes:

This month’s winners of the $10 gift card door prize are:  Geri Grant, Margie Nicholson, Jo Ann Ciaciuch, Phyllis Meierhenry and Sally Murphy

50/50 Drawing:  

This month’s winner of the 50/50 drawing in the amount of $79.00 is Phyllis Meierhenry.

Motion to adjourn:  A motion to adjourn was made by Ginnie Schoepf and seconded by Karen Stott.  Motion passed.  The meeting adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Thanks for coming today and have a great afternoon.

Notes taken by Roberta Wisniewski and typed by Jean Kraus

MVLP Luncheon Minutes
October 11, 2021
HOA2 Ballroom

President Jean Kraus greeted putters.  It’s great to be back in our routine of putting and having luncheons.  Thank you to Jan Arruda for setting up the lunch menu for today.

Thank you to Maria Miller for the treats of candy on the tables.

Jean noted that due to personal reasons Sheila Dahlgren will not be able to continue as our secretary for the remainder of this year and will not be on the slate of officers for next year.  Jean asked if members would consider filling out the three month term for this year and possibly be secretary for next year.  Suzi Rizzo volunteered to fill the three month position as secretary.  Later in the meeting Sally Murphy volunteered for the position of secretary for the 2022 year.  Sally was approved by the members.

Today we would like to introduce our slate of officers for the 2022 year.

President – Roberta Wisniewski, Vice-president – Patty Stark, Secretary – Vacant, Treasurer – Kathy Rambur, Statistician – Lorna Kitchen, Membership Coordinator – Sandy Strack, Special Events Coordinator – Joan Davis, Event Advisor – Donna Vargas, Event Advisor – Jan Arruda, Member-at-Large – Annette Moyle, Member-at Large – Marty Fisher, and Member-at-Large – Loretta Edgerton.

Could I have a motion to accept this slate of officers?  

Motion was made by Ruthie Thoren and seconded by Maralyn Shirk.  All in favor?

Motion passed to accept this Board as our new officers for the year 2022.

Thank you.

In addition to the Board positions, Phyllis Meierhenry has agreed to be our new WebMaster– taking the place of Pat Storey who has done a commendable job for the last 5 years.

There were no minutes of the previous meeting.

Sandy Strack presented the holiday luncheon information and the list was passed around for sign-up.  Guests are welcome to join the luncheon.  The cost is $24.00 per guest.

Kathy Rambur, Treasurer

Approval of September Treasurer’s Report:

Jean asked Kathy to recap the latest treasurer’s report.  Our beginning balance is $9,062.39, we had a total income of $1,714.00 and expenses of $1,654.71.  Our closing balance is $10,021.68 with outstanding amounts of $3,336.00 for the holiday luncheon, 2,809.00 in the price account, 923.99 in the raffle account and 565.00 in the school donations account.  Our closing working balance is $2,387.69.  Winnings at HOA2 total 989.80.  Jean asked for a motion:  

A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by EJ Snearly and seconded by Ginnie Schoepf.  Motion passed.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us.  We appreciate all that you do.

Jean listed the birthday girls for the month of October:

10/2 – Lisa Jensema ,  10/3 – Mary Riemersma, Natalie Murdock, 10/4 – Debbie Elofson, 10/8 – Mary Cummins, 10/13 – Kathy Conrad, 10/14 – CarieScalzo, 10/16 – Phyllis Worden, 10/20 – Ro Conti, 10/24 – Mary Thomas, 10/27 – Susan Schweitzer and 10/30 – Jan De Enno

Only one birthday girl was present – Mary Thomas – who received a gift card.

Putter Partner Event – October 27, 2021 – Ginnie Schoepf reported on the event and stated that the deadline is October 18.  See flyer on the website for details.

Holiday Luncheon Sign-Up:  The Holiday Luncheon is around the corner and the sign-up sheet is going around today.  Please let us know if you will be able to attend and what your luncheon choice will be.  The sign-up sheet will be available at our regular Monday putting sessions.  Deadline for sign-up is November 22.

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving their cards for the month of July are:  

Chip Starter:  Suzi Rizzo, Sheila Dahlgren

Course Setup:  Carolyn Johnson, Ruthie Thoren, Pat Wells

Course Take down:  Sandra Valeton

Every month we award those putters who have 4 or more holes-in-one and the money hole.  These monies go on your HOA#2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the Restaurants.  This month’s winners are:

4 Holes-in-One  or  5 Holes-in-One – None

Money Hole:  Ginnie Schoepf, Jan Di Enno, Judee Lund, Loretta Edgerton

Monthly we award trophies for Low Gross – the Roadrunner award, Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net) and Hole-In-Wonder Award for most holes in one.  Could we have a drumroll?  The winners are:

Roadrunner Award – Pat Wells – 37.7

Tiger Award – Karen Stott – 27.2

Hole-in-Wonder Award –   Ruthie Thoren  and Jean Kraus – 6


50/50 Drawing:  The winner is Pat Morris with a whopping $101.00.

Free lunch drawing was won by Marilyn Ginther.

Thanks for coming today and have a great afternoon.

AUGUST 9, 2021 

Hello putters.  It’s great to be back in our routine of putting and having luncheons.  I have missed it and I’m sure you have too.  Thank you to Jan Arruda for setting up the lunch menu for today.

Thank you to Maria Miller for the treats of candy on the tables and to Ann Steinsvaag for the table decorations.

The minutes of our last meeting – February 2020 – will be read by secretary Sheila Dahlgren.

Can we have a motion to approve the minutes as printed?

Motion: Raye Cobb, Seconded: Maralyn Shirk. Motion approved by membership.

Kathy, would you please give us the last treasurer’s report?   Can we have a Motion: Donna Vargas, Seconded: Sandy Wolfersberger. Motion approved by membership.

We want to take this opportunity to thank our wonderful servers who always take such good care of us.  We appreciate all that you do.

Upcoming elections:  We have positions available on the Board for Vice President, Treasurer, Webmaster, and two Members-at-Large.  There is lots of help available to new board members.  All of us on the Board are happy to help.  I have had lots of assistance from knowledgeable Board members during the last six months.  So don’t let that keep you from joining us on the Board.  Sandy Strack, our Membership Board Member, would like to take a moment to explain the Treasurer and Webmaster positions.

Each month we recognize our birthday girls. There are 8 this month, but only 6 are here.  Please stand as I call your name.

Dorie Pipers – 8/5

Ginny Jackson – 8/9

Mary Williams – 8/9

Dottie Adams – 8/19

Fira Stout – 8/21

Maria Butcher – 8/26

Kandi Connor – 8/31

All sing “Happy Birthday

We always have a gift card drawing for the birthday girls, so today could be your lucky day!

The winner is Jan Talbot.

Don’t believe it when they say there is no such thing as a free lunch because we award one every month.  Here is your chance, are you feeling lucky today?  And the winner is Ann Steinsvaag.

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving their cards for the month of July are:

Chip Starter:  Karel Titone

Course Setup:  Kay Tomaszek, Pam Smith, Dot Adams

Course Take down:  Mary Cummins, Loretta Edgerton

Sunshine:  Myrl Carter Dahlman (for 2020)

Every month we award those putters who have 4 or more holes-in-one and the money hole. These monies go on your HOA#2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the Restaurants.

This month’s winners are:

4 Holes-in-One:  Annette Moyle, Carol Thompson

Money Hole:  Jan Arruda, Barbara Leesley, Jean Kraus

Monthly we award trophies for Low Gross – the Roadrunner award, Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net) and Hole-In-Wonder Award for most holes in one.  The winners are:

Roadrunner Award – Pat Wells 37.2

Tiger Award – Donna Vargas 29

Hole-in-Wonder Award – Pat Wells & Annette Moyle, each 9


50/50 Drawing:  The winner is: Ginnie Schoepf – $80.00

Our next luncheon will be on Monday, September 13th.  Doors open at 10:30 a.m.  Thanks for coming and have a great afternoon.

Respectfullly submitted by,

Sheila Dahlgren, MVLP Secretary

Note:  Due to the coronavirus, we have not had any monthly luncheons since February 10, 2020.


FEBRUARY 10, 2020


President EJ Snearly opened the luncheon by greeting all 78 ladies in attendance for this special Founder’s Day lunch.  It was the 22ndFounder’s Day luncheon and all were dressed in pink! President Snearly said Lou Ann Garvin along with 33 ladies began this organization and putted their first round in February 1998.  The MVLPs have grown to 123 members, 17 of which are new.

Why do we celebrate Founder’s Day?

  • We celebrate achievements of all putters individually and collectively.
  • It is an important occasion for the whole putter organization to be together.
  • And, to remember that we are an important and strong community.

That said, let’s honor our founding members and past Presidents.  At that time Jean Kraus, Vice President, presented the following with a beautiful red rose:

Founder – Darlene Pittman

2006 President – Mary Baglien

2008 President – Marijo Lewis

2010 President – Kim Halper

2011 President – Pat Wysocki

2012-13 Presidents – Marcia Munich

2016 President – Cathy Scott

2017 President – Vicki Strief

2017 President – Pat Wells

2018 President – Gay Uhl

And 2019 President – Pam Smith.

All 10 past Presidents and original founder Darlene Pittman were thanked for their leadership and dedication.

President Snearly then thanked our wonderful wait staff. They always take such great care of all of us, and a hearty thanks to Anne Steinsvaag and Ruth Brazill for the lovely table decorations and to Sheila Ratza for the candy!

Each month we recognize our Birthday Putters.  Five of our February ladies were in attendance.  They were:

Patty Stark – February 2

Jeannie Hepner – February 8

Vicki Strief – February 24

Eileen J Snearly – February 26

Linda Pryde – February 28

And… the Birthday Putter that received a Birthday gift card was Patty Stark!!!

We all sang “Happy Birthday” to these ladies.

We had a drawing for a free lunch… the winner of the free lunch was Deb Adinolfi!!

The Treasurer’s report was presented by Phyllis Meirehenry and it was unanimously accepted, as was the Secretary’s report/minutes.

There was a drawing for four gift cards…. And the winners were: Donna Vargas, Robbie Herrera, Betty Magee and Teri Spencer.

The Trophy Winners for the month of January were:

Roadrunner (low gross) – Susan Schweitzer, 39.3

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger (low net) – Martha Hackworth, 27.0

Hole-in-Wonder (most holes-in-one) – Sandy Cavender, 9

And in January we had 31 guests and 249 putters for a total of 280.

Each of us is required to do one job assignment a year as part of our membership. When the assignment is completed, these putters receive a gift card.  The putters that earned their cards in January were:

Chip Starter – Sandy Cavendar and Carol Ratza

Course Setup – Judy Duran, Karen Bird (rec’d her card in December), Lorna Kitchen, Raye Cobb and Pam Brown were our Putter Angeles.

Course Take down – JoAnn Ciaciuch and Debbie Grafmiller (she received her’s in October).

Awards Committee – Judy Hardy and Andrea Anderson

Luncheon Hostess – Thelma O’Laughlin and Sheila Ratza (Feb. lunch).

Now for the 2019 Annual Winners:

Roadrunner (low gross for the year) – Pat Wells 38.4

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger (low net for the year) – Phyllis Meierhenry 35.15

Holes-in-Wonder (most holes in one for the year)- Pat Wells 57

Congratulations to all of our winners!!!! Each winner is receiving a gift of appreciation.

President Snearly drew a name for a “special gift” hand made by Donna Vargas.

The winner was Gay Uhl!! The gift was a “banana gourd” painted in a soft shade of sage green with a carved dragon fly, there were abstract flowers on the gourd, which were colored with pencils.  The gourd had a beautiful stem at the top.  THANK YOU DONNA VARGAS!!

And finally we had the 50/50 drawing… the winner was PAM SMITH!!!! and the winnings were $137!!! WOWZA!

We were all reminded of the following upcoming events:

Putter Sputters on March 23, the theme is “Go Green”,

Quail Creek is on Monday April 13that HOA1,

And The Ranchettes on April 29th, Wednesday at the Ranch.

In closing, President Snearly left us with the following thought:

“A true friend is not someone we have chosen for ourselves, but rather someone God has placed in our lives for a purpose.”

 #   #   #

 Submitted by Robbie Herrera, Secretary, February 20, 2020


JANUARY 16, 2020


The doors opened at 8:20 a.m for new members.  There were six new members that attended orientation held by VP Jean Kraus.  The new members signed up for a committee project and ordered their shirts, jackets and name badges.

The Annual Meeting was called to order by President Pam Smith shortly after 9 a.m.  She welcomed and thanked everyone for attending. President Smith announced that she is the outgoing President. On February 1, EJ Snearly will be the new President of MVLPs.  It was a tearful acknowledgement and goodbye.

The 2019 Board members were reintroduced to the members, followed by the introduction of the new 2020 Board. Those leaving the Board are: Pam Smith, President; Ann Cristofani, member-at-large; Deb Adinolfi, Treasurer; Gay Uhl, 2018 Past President; and Jeannie Hepner, Special Events Coordinator.  Those joining the 2020 Board are: Joan Davis, Special Events Coordinator; Phyllis Meierhenry, Treasurer; Jean Kraus, Vice President; Annette Moyle, Member-at-Large;

All past and current Board members were given a heartfelt THANK YOU.

President Smith made special mention of the “Pink” calendars, which have a wealth of information on it. She asked all members to study the calendar, and make a note of the committee for which you signed-up.  She mentioned the next special luncheon, which is Founder’s Day, Monday, February 10.  This is the day we honor our founder Lou Ann Garvin, and our past presidents. President Smith asked all attending this luncheon to wear your Pink shirts.

President Smith followed with an announcement of our first special event of 2020 which is Putter/Sputter on Monday, March 23. The HOA1 Putter Sputters will be joining us on our course for this event and there will be NO regular putting on our course that day.

Standing Rules were then reviewed for new and for returning members.  President Smith reminded everyone to review our beautiful Website, it contains a lot of valued information.

It was at this point in the Annual Meeting that President Smith passed the “putter” to EJ Snearly, the new MVLP President for 2020.  (And understandably there were a lot of tears shed at this point).

EJ Snearly presented Pam Smith with A LOT of gift cards to her (Smith’s) favorite places and a card from all of the putters.

President Smith presented EJ Snearly with her president’s pin; and all other appropriate board title pins were exchanged at this time.

President Snearly said she wants all to know that we have a great Board for 2020 and we will all be working diligently to make it a great year for Mountain View Lady Putters! She added that she is still learning and trying to fill Pam’s shoes.

We then drew numbers for a multitude of gift cards… WHEW!

President Snearly made closing remarks.  A motion was made by Ginnie Schoepf to adjourn and seconded by Suzi Rizzo. The Annual Meeting was formally adjourned.

#   #   #

Submitted by Robbie Herrera, Secretary, January 20, 2020


JANUARY 13, 2020


President Pam Smith welcomed all to this luncheon.  It was bittersweet as this was President Smith’s last time to preside over a luncheon, this is her last month as MVLPs President before she passes the “putter” to EJ Snearly.  

President Smith offered a big thank you to Thelma O’Laughlin for the candy on our tables, and to Ann Steinsvaag and Ruth Brazill for the table decorations depicting snowmen melting. (Very creative)!

The Minutes of our last meeting were sent out in a Newsblast on Friday.  There were no corrections to the Minutes. Deb Adinolfi moved that the Minutes be accepted and Lisa Jensema seconded the motion.  The Motion passed.  

Deb Adinolfi read the Treasurer’s report.  This too, was Deb’s last luncheon as Treasurer for MVLPs.  Marilyn Shirk moved that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted and Donna Vargas seconded the Motion.  The Motion passed.  

President Smith took the opportunity to lend a big thank you to the wonderful severs who always take good care of all of us, and we appreciate all they do.

Each month we recognize our birthday putters.  There are 14 this month, however only 7 are present.  President Smith asked each one to stand as she called their name:

JoAnn Ciaciuch – January 2

Roberta Wisniewski – January 2

Pat Morris – January 8

Ann Steinsvaag – January 12

Karen Stott – January 19

Pam Brown – January 21

Donna Vargas – January 30

We all sang “Happy Birthday”. The winner of the Birthday gift carddrawing was JoAnn Ciaciuch!!

President Smith then drew the name of another Putter for a free lunch…yes, we award a free lunch every month… and the winner was Donna Vargas!!

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving their cards for the month of December were:

Chip Starter:  Kathy Berkbigler and Pat Wells

Course Setup:  Colleen Halverson, Kathy Warren and Mary Reimersma

Course Takedown: Phyllis Meierhenry, Lorene Buscher and Tina Wolf

Publicity: Kris Rudin

Every month we award those putters who make four or more holes-in-one and the money hole.  These monies go on your HOA2 Golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the restaurants.  This month’s winners were:

Four holes-in-one: Ginny Jackson, Nancy Jewett and Patty Stark

Money hole:  Colleen Halverson, Diane Kirstine, EJ Snearly, Kay Tomaszek, Loretta Edgerton, Patty Stark and Sandy Bulakowski.

President Smith announced information about our Annual Registration Meeting, which was on Thursday, January 16 in the Mountain View Ballroom.  New members should arrive by 8:20 for their orientation at 8:30 a.m.  And returning members should meet in the Sonoran Room for coffee or tea before we go into the ballroom at 9 a.m. to select your committee commitment for the year, and remain for the Meeting.  Registrations tables will be set up in front of the Sonoran Room.  Bring your check for $72 for your annual dues.  Bring a 2nd check if you wish to order a shirt, jacket or name badge.  Be sure to check your travel plans and other commitments for 2020 before the Annual Meeting so you will know when you are available as you select your committee assignment.  Please only sign up for yourself and only for one committee.  You may always volunteer for another assignment later.  

Trophy winners for December were:

Road Runner Award (low gross) – Kay Tomaszek and Pat Wells…a tie at 39.8!!!

Lou Ann Garvin Tiger Award (low net) – Dorie Pipers posted a 32.3

Hole-in-Wonder (most holes-in-one) – Ginny Jackson with 9!!

We drew five more names for a $10 gift card to HOA1. The winners were:

Pat Brothers, Ginny Jackson, Karen Stott, Sue Rains, and Rhonda Heffelfinger!

Time for the 50/50 drawing!  The amount of the winnings today is $88.50… and the winner was PAT STOREY!! Congratulations!

The next luncheon is on Monday, February 10th and is a very special luncheon.  It is our Founder’s Day celebration and all of the past presidents of MVLP will be invited to join us.  The doors open at 11:30 a.m. and the cost will be $18.  The menu is a bread bowl with broccoli cheddar soup, Caesar salad (dressing on the side, which has anchovies in it), potato chips and chocolate sheet cake with buttercream frosting.

President Smith finalized the announcements by punctuating this as her last time closing a luncheon as our president.  Her remarks were:

“My wish for you for 2020 is that you have the greatest year of your life.  May you find a million reasons to be happy and enjoy every day.  Don’t forget to be awesome!”

#   #   #

Submitted by Robbie Herrera, Secretary, January 17, 2020




President Pam Smith welcomed all putters and our guests; Ginny Schneider, Marcia Munich, Jan DiEnno and Julie Smith were the guests.  President Smith commented on everyone’s festive attire!

Special recognition was given to the Holiday Luncheon committee; Lisa Jensema, Dar Pitman, Margie Nicholson, Karen Bird, Donna Martin and Lynda Meyer.  The entire committee did a fantastic job planning this celebration and making all of us feel special!  The gorgeous table decorations were from Dar Pitman’s personal collection.  Also, the tiny, beautiful, handmade boxes that held the number for our surprises, were absolutely lovely. A HEARTFELT THANK YOU TO THIS TALENTED COMMITTEE!!!

We covered some regular agenda items.  The minutes for the last luncheon was posted on a Newsblast.  Marilyn Shirk moved for the minutes to be approved, and the Second was made by MaryAnn Cram.   The Motion passed.

President Smith acknowledged our dedicated servers who take good care of us.

We had 10 Birthday Putters this month, and all of them were present!! They are:

Suzi Rizzo – Dec. 5

Ginnie Schoepf – Dec 9

Phyllis Meierhenry – Dec 10

Debbie Grafmiller – Dec 12

Jeane Liske – Dec 14

Pat Schweighardt – Dec 15

Maria Miller – Dec 17

Sandy Cavender – Dec 22

Susan Bodine – Dec 25

Mary Beth Snyder – Dec 27

We sang “Happy Birthday “ and had a gift card drawing for a lucky Birthday Putter…. And the winner was Sandy Cavender!!!

Lisa Jensema and her committee handed out some gifts while we were served lunch.

After lunch was served we awarded gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments. Those who received their cards for the month of November were:

Chip Starters – Vicki Streif, Marla Butcher and Pat Doane (rec’d 5/13)

Course Setup – Susan Schweitzer

Course Take down – Diane Kirstine and Judy Matchett

Holiday Luncheon – Lisa Jensema (rec’d 7/8), Dar Pitman, Margie Nicholson, Lynda Meyer, Donna Martin, and Karen Bird.

Sunshine – Diane Lunghi

And, every month we award those putters who make 4 or more holes-in-one and the money hole. The monies go on your HOA2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the restaurants. Since these are submitted in December, you will have all of 2020 to use these funds.  This month’s winners were:

6 holes-in-one:  Pat Wells and Carie Scalzo ($15 each)

5 holes-in-one: Joan Devlin, Judy Hardy and Mary Ann Cram ($15 each)

4 holes-in-one:  Jeane Liske, Linda Pryde, Loretta Edgerton, Marla Butcher, Pat Brothers, and Patty Stark ($20 from 11/11 & 11/18)

Money Hole:  Ann Cristofani, Dianne Barnard, Donna Vargas, Dorothy Anderson, Ginny Jackson, Jeane Lloyd, JoAnn Evans, Joan Devlin, Judy Hardy, Karel Titone, Kathy Rambur, Maria Miller, Marla Butcher, Martha Hackworth, Mary Beth Snyder, Pat Morris, Patty Stark, Ro Conti and Wanda Ross – WOWZA!!!

President Smith noted our Annual Meeting is coming up on Thursday, January 16thin the Mountain View Ballroom.  New members should plan to arrive by 8:20a.m.  for their orientation at 8:30 a.m., and returning members should gather in the Sonoran Room for coffee and conversation until we all go into the Ballroom at 9:00 a.m. for the meeting.  Registration tables will be set up in the front of the Sonoran Room.  Bring your check for $72 to cover the annual dues, and bring a second check if you wish to order a shirt, jacket and/or name badge. Be sure to check your travel plans and other commitments for 2020 before the Annual Meeting to assure you will be available as you select your committee assignment.  Please only sign up for yourself, and for one committee. You may always volunteer for another assignment later.

Our trophy winners for November were:

Road Runner Award (low gross) – Pat Wells, 36.5

LouAnn Garvin Tiger Award (low net) – Patty Stark, 30.5

Hole-In-Wonder (most holes-in-one) Pat Wells with 13!!!!

Our 50/25/25 drawingnetted two winners $119 each… the winners were:

Phyllis Meierhenry and Carolyn Johnson – bravo ladies!!

Our next luncheon is Monday, January 13 here at HOA1.  The doors will open at 11:30 a.m., the cost will remain at $18 for your lunch.  The menu is a burger dip (like a French dip) on a ciabatta roll, diced fresh fruit, potato chips and blueberry cobbler with whipped cream.

Our entertainment was provided by the SaddleBrooke Silverbelles aka the SaddleBrooke Rocketts.  The dancers were; Ann Kurtz, Tina Wrbanek, Claudia Booth, Dianne Bank, Vivian Herman, Michele Gildner and Sandy Schoenleber.

Thank you! Thank you for your generous talent and memorable music routines.

President Smith closed the luncheon with the following thought…

“May the season bring you the music of laughter, the warmth of friendship, and always…love.”

Enjoy the holidays and thank you for attending!

#   #   #

Submitted by Robbie Herrera, Secretary, December 13, 2019

Resubmitted by Robbie Herrera, Secretary, December 14, 2019

MVLP November Luncheon Meeting

November 11, 2019 –HOA1

President Pam Smith welcomed all to this luncheon, which happens to be Veteran’s Day.  Veteran’s Day was originally known as Armistice Day and was designated a National holiday in 1938 to honor the end of WW1 (November 11, 1918), by the 83rd Congress.  It later became known as “Veteran’s Day”, to honor and celebrate American veterans of all wars.  

President Smith thanked Pat Doane for the candy on all of the tables, and thanked Ann Steinsvaag and Ruth Brazill for the sparkly fall leaf table decorations.

The Minutes of the October luncheon were read by Secretary Robbie Herrera.

Treasurer Deb Adinolfi read the treasurer’s report.

Each month we recognize, sing happy birthday to, and award one gift card to the lucky birthday putter who is present.  This month we had eight lady putters celebrating their birthdays.  However, only four were present.  They were:

Pat Storey – November 16

Gay Uhl – November 24

Pat Brothers – Nobember 25, and

Darlene Pitman – November 30

The winner of the birthday gift card was Darlene Pitman!!!

If you have not signed up yet for the holiday luncheon, please do so by the deadline, which is November 18th.  Assigned seating is required for this luncheon.  When we have our final count we will have another sign up sheet for the seating.  Guest may be invited by paying $24 by the deadline.  The holiday committee has been working very hard to make this luncheon special.

President Smith introduced the new 2020 MVLP Board:

EJ Snearly moves to President

Jean Kraus is Vice President/President-elect

Robbie Herrera will remain as Secretary

Phyllis Meierhenry (absent) is Treasurer

Pat Storey will remain Webmaster and Statistician

Sandy Strack will remain Membership and Institutional Memory

Joan Davis (absent) is Special Events Coordinator

Donna Vargas and Geri Grant (absent) will remain the Event Advisors

Annette Moyle (absent) is Member-at-large for Scorecards

Jan Arruda will remain as Member-at-large for Committee Assignments

Lorna Kitchen (absent) is Member-at-large for Monday Morning Assignments.

This looks like a great group to lead us into a new decade, congratulations to all of you!

We drew a name for the monthly free lunch… and the winner was Marilee Jones.

Each month we award gift cards to those ladies who have completed their committee assignments.  Those receiving cards for the month of October are:

Judy Falewicz and Karen Stott – Quail Creek

JoAnn Evans – Luncheon candy

Chip Starters – Putter Angels

Course set up – Putter Angels

Course take down – Putter Angels

(The Oct 14 and 21st dates were covered by putter angels. The Oct 28thdate goes along with November, so those putters will receive their card in December).

Also, every month we award those putters who make four or more holes-in-one and the money hole. These monies go on your HOA2 golf account to be used in the Pro Shop or the restaurants.  This month’s winners are:  

5 holes-in-one:  Carrie Scalzo and Pat Storey ($15 each)!

4 holes-in-one:  Diane Kdisstine and Pat Wells

Money hole:  Annette Moyle, Carrie Scalzo, Ellen Mandes, Jan Arruda, Judy Matchett, Linda Pryde, Loretta Edgerton, Maralyn Shirk, Mary Cummins, Raye Cobb, Ruth Catalinotto, and Sandy Bulakowski.

We have 2 new 39er’s this month, they are:

Loretta Edgerton and Marilee Jones

Karen Stott was missed in September.

Our trophy winners for October were:

Road Runner Award (low gross – Pat Wells… 37.0

LouAnn Garvin Tiger Award (low net) – Ruth Catalinotto…29.7

Hole-in-Wonder (most holes-in-one) – Carrie Scalzo…9

The door prize drawing this month will be for three gift cards!!! The winners were: JoAnn Ciaciuch, Pam Smith and Jan Talbot.

The 50/50 drawing was for $66… and the winner was Gay Uhl!!!

President Smith adjourned the luncheon with a parting thought…November is the month to remind us to be thankful for the many positive things happening in our life.

#   #   #

Submitted by Secretary Robbie Herrera, November 18, 2019.