President and Vice President
The President and Vice President will be full-time residents of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and email.
The President, and in her absence, the Vice President, has the following responsibilities:
Weekly Meetings: The President and Vice President will preside over the weekly meetings held before Putting. They will welcome new members, make announcements, thank the Set-Up Committee, report any illnesses and good news, provide the statistics from the previous Monday’s Putting, and distribute Gift & Winnings Cards.
Luncheon Meetings: The President will preside over Luncheon Meetings, which are held the second Monday of each month. She will thank the volunteers who participated, introduce new members and present awards. She will have the secretary read the Minutes of the previous meeting and have the Treasurer give her report. She will cover any old business, make announcements, discuss upcoming events and ask if there are any questions or announcements.
When the Food and Beverage Committee has decided on the menus for the year, they will provide the President with the details. The President will then announce the date, the menu, the price, and the deadline for signing up for the each of the Luncheon Meetings.
In May of each year, the President and Vice President will schedule the dates for the Luncheon Meetings and Special Events for the following year that require a meal. She will also provide these dates to the Catering Coordinator and make an appointment to sign contracts to secure these dates. The President will coordinate with the Sputters, Niners, and any other Putting groups on the dates of those events and will check with the Pro Shop to be certain there are no conflicts.
Awards: One week prior to each General Meeting, the President will call the previous winners to remind them to return the awards for the month. Recipients of the traveling awards are responsible for ensuring that their award is brought to the next Luncheon Meeting.
Board Meetings: Board Meetings will be held the Wednesday before the monthly luncheon. The President will preside over these meetings.
Membership: The Vice President will conduct an orientation meeting for each new member. Each new member will be provided with a copy of “The Standing Rules”, information on how to access the web site, and a “Calendar of Events”. When a new member joins, the Vice President will give the check to the Treasurer and the Registration Form to the Membership Coordinator.
In addition, the Vice President will be responsible for ordering all name tags, shirts and jackets etc. The member will fill out the form and attach their check and return the form to the Vice President for ordering.
Annual Meeting: Each year, in January, there will be a special meeting to prepare for the upcoming year.
A special meeting for new members will be held 30 minutes before the regular meeting to explain the organization in more detail and to answer any questions they may have.
The outgoing President will turn over duties to the incoming President who will preside over most of this meeting. During this meeting, members register to join, pay dues, pick up a Calendar of Events, orientation information, and Standing Rules for the following year, and learn about any changes that might be taking place, and sign up to serve on one or more committees. All members are required to participate on at least one committee and contribute to the continued success of the Lady Putters.
Special Events: The President and Vice President will each be automatically included to attend all Special Events.
Web Site: To ensure that each member is kept informed of all Putter activities, the President will provide the Webmaster with information on luncheon dates, deadlines, prices and menus. Each member should check the website about possible frost or weather delays.
Miscellaneous: The President will call Special Meetings as necessary.
The Vice President will automatically move into the position of President at the Annual Meeting in January the year following her year of service as Vice President.
The President will each serve as an authorized signature on the Putters bank account.
The President will send NewsBlast emails to the membership as needed.
The President will automatically become an advisory member of the Board for the year following her year of service as President. She will also receive a free year of putting. In addition, she will also receive a “past president” royal blue name tag and a nameplate will be added to the Putter service recognition trophy in the MV pro shop trophy case.
The Secretary will be a full-time resident of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail.
Recording of Minutes: The Secretary will be responsible for recording and maintaining accurate minutes of all Monthly Luncheon Meetings, all Board Meetings, and any Special Meetings called by the President.
Monthly Luncheon Meetings: The Secretary will read the minutes of the previous meeting. After the President accepts the minutes, the Secretary will provide the Statistician (Web Master) with a copy to be posted on the web site.
Document Maintenance: The Secretary will be responsible for maintaining current copies of all Lady Putters official documents such as The By-Laws, The Standing Rules, Job Descriptions, Committee Descriptions, etc. Any changes made to these documents will be provided to the Web Master for updating the web site.
The Treasurer will be a full-time resident of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Quicken, Excel, Word, and email.
Checking Account: The Treasurer will manage the MountainView Lady Putters checking account at Bank of the West in SaddleBrooke, which includes balancing the account monthly, making deposits, and writing checks for expenses.
A new signature card at Bank of the West will be signed by the President, Treasurer and authorized board members each year. Each signer on the account will need to be present along with one currently authorized signer on the account and the secretary. A copy of the minutes stating the board approval of the checking account signers must be presented to the bank.
For luncheons and special events, she will write a single check to the Restaurant where the event is being held. The Treasurer will be responsible for calling in the number of attendees for both monthly luncheons and special events.
Collecting Checks: The Treasurer will collect checks only (no cash) and track them by name, check number, and amount paid, for the following activities: Annual dues and prize money, monthly luncheon meetings, donations to charities, shirt, name tag orders and any miscellaneous monies. Checks for special events will be collected by the Special Events Coordinator and then given to the Treasurer for deposit.
Making Deposits: The Treasurer will total and deposit all checks received.
Writing Checks:The Treasurer will write checks for all MVLP expenses. These expenses include Food & Beverage expenses, Gifts, Prizes, Winner Cards, Awards, Decorations, Entertainment, Supplies, Printing, Charity Donations, Sunshine Committee Expenses.
Once a month the treasurer will purchase gift cards from HOA#1 or HOA#2 for members who have completed their committee obligations. The names of these recipients will be given at the board meeting each month. She will also purchase extra gift cards to be used as door prizes at the luncheon.
Once a month the treasurer will give the Preserve/MV Pro Shop a check for the number of putters for that month, including guests and pay the going rate at that time. At the end of the month the treasurer will also notify Matt Hudson, the head pro, the names of the putters with 4 or more holes in one, and the money hole winner(s). These winnings will be placed on the putter’s HOA2 golf credit account.
Treasurer’s Reports: The Treasurer will give an oral report at each General Meeting, including the date covered, previous balance, receipts, expenses, and ending balance. The Treasurer will use Quicken software to formulate the treasurer’s report. She will give a copy of the report to the President and Vice-President. She will also email the secretary a copy of the report for her permanent record.
Luncheons: The Treasurer will accept luncheon checks through Monday at 2:00 p.m. of the week prior to the luncheon. She will call the Catering Coordinator at the restaurant where the event is being held. The restaurant needs a 5-business day notice on all catering events. On the day of the luncheon, she will write a check and receive a copy of the paid Invoice.
The Treasurer will note on checks whether a special meal is requested and give the name of the person requesting a special meal when calling in the count. The Treasurer will provide a list of putters attending the luncheon to the hostesses for use at check-in. She is also responsible for providing name slips of all putters attending the luncheon to the President for the free-luncheon drawing each month and for possible door prizes.
The Treasurer is responsible for contacting the award winning putter(s) for the month to be sure that she/they will be attending the luncheon.
The Treasurer will hold onto the checks until after the event in case of a person having to cancel. If the meal ticket is sold, the check from the person cancelling can be destroyed and the check from the person taking their place will write a check made out to MVLP. If no replacement is found after the count is called in, the person cancelling will still have to pay.
New Members: Dues are $72 per year and are not pro-rated or refundable.
Event Committee Advisor(s)
The Event Committee Advisor(s) will be a full-time resident(s) of Saddlebrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail.
The Event Committee Advisor(s) will call or email all committee members and arrange the first meeting of each special event committee. At this meeting, she will present the committee with the folder giving details of this event in the past. She will help the committee members get organized and choose a chairperson or co-chairs. She will answer any questions the committee members have about the event. She will be available if there are further questions after the first meeting but will not attend the rest of the meetings for the event unless needed.
The Event Committee Advisor(s) will keep track of details for each event. She will be responsible for presenting the folder to each committee and collecting it after the event, making sure that the committee has added a summary of their actions to the folder. These folders are used for reference the next time an event is held.
The Event Committee Advisor(s) works closely with the Special Events Coordinators.
Special Events Coordinator(s)
The Special Events Coordinator(s) will be a full-time resident of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail. She will be:
- Responsible for contacting the event chairperson/committee to get event details (specifically initial announcement date for the event). After the initial announcement is made to the putters, the event coordinator takes over the tracking and collecting of the putter checks for the event. The event coordinator will use an Excel spreadsheet to do this. Sign up for all events involves the putter placing a check in the black box writing the event on the memo line.
- Responsible for on-going updating and tracking of the Excel sheet up until the date of event.
- Responsible for sending the final Excel sheet after the deadline to the webmaster for posting on the website. (This list is the “original” final sign-up. If cancellations occur between posting and the actual date of the event, it will not be updated on the website.)
- Responsible for announcing, posting, and adhering to deadline date for payment
- Responsible for collecting checks and tracking them by name, check# and amount paid
- Responsible for providing a copy of the completed payment list and collected checks to the treasurer no later than the day of the event
Committees work differently per event so it is very important to work with them to understand their process and to make them aware of the Special Events Coordinator’s responsibilities.
**In cases where a lottery is required a drawing will take place. It is the responsibility of the event coordinator to place all names in a “hat” and she, with at least one other committee member draws the names. All names are drawn and once the maximum number has been reached an alternate list is started and numbered (i.e. Alt #1 name, Alt #2 name, etc). The coordinator will contact those putters who are alternates. If there is a cancellation, the event coordinator contacts the next available alternate on the list.
Membership Coordinator
The Membership Coordinator will be a full-time resident of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail.
The Membership Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the Membership Roster of the MountainView Lady Putters. All members are required to fill out an annual registration form. The Membership Coordinator will collect these forms at the Annual Meeting and input this information into a Microsoft Excel document. This document will be e-mailed to all MVLP Board members. The webmaster will use this document for the MVLP web site.
New Members: After a new member has gone through orientation, the Vice President will give the registration form to the Membership Coordinator. The Membership Coordinator will update the Membership Roster and will send the new member information to all MVLP Board members as soon as possible and to the Webmaster for posting on the web site.
Gift Card/Winner’s Cards: The Membership Coordinator will be responsible for recording the weekly Money Hole/4 Holes in One winners and will notify the Treasurer and President at the end of the month so the winnings can be ordered from the Pro Shop. The Coordinator will also record the awarding of committee gift cards to members and notify the MVLP Board if a member has already received a committee card.
The Statistician will be a full-time resident of SaddleBrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail.
The responsibilities of the Statistician include:
- Receive the monthly record of member’s scores from the Member-at-Large who is in charge of collecting, correcting and recording the weekly scores.
- Record the monthly scores to determine the monthly winners of the Low Net, Low Gross and Hole in Wonder Awards. A putter must attend at least three putting sessions in a given month in order to be eligible to receive a monthly award.
- Calculate each member’s new handicap according to her scores for the month
- Provide copies of the monthly scores to the President. Send the handicaps to the webmaster for posting on the website. Provide a printed sheet for the member at large for scorecards to record the weekly scores.
- Maintain a record of each member’s monthly scores for Gross and Net if she met the required number of weeks to play and the number of holes-in-one no matter how many times she played during the month.
- Calculate the winners of the Yearly Awards at the end of January and provide these names to the President for presentation of annual awards at the February luncheon
Webmaster (position not an Officer of the Board)
The Webmaster will be a full-time resident of Saddlebrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of Excel, Word, and e-mail. She also needs a working knowledge of WordPress.
The Webmaster is responsible for keeping the Mountainview Lady Putter web site update. Information that is to be collected and updated on the Web includes:
- Keep “Hot News Page” current each week. This page has any information needed by the membership.
- Keep the “Special Events” pages up to date with detailed information about each up coming events.
- Add names of birthday Putters, minutes and picture of monthly Award Winners
- Update the By-Laws, Standing Rules and other official documents when changes approved by the Board/membership are received from the Secretary
- Keep Membership Directory current.
- Add photo pages for each event.
- Publish the Officer Page, Committee Page, and Calendar of Events Page in January of each year.
- Photos are very important to the Web Site. They may be taken by the Webmaster or by another member and submitted to the Webmaster electronically.
- Provide a list of birthdays for the month to the President prior to each luncheon meeting and post on website
Members – At – Large
The Members-At-Large will be full-time residents of Saddlebrooke and have good general computer skills with a working knowledge of e-mail.
The Members-At-Large will serve as liaisons between the Lady Putters and the Board. They will share any comments, complaints, concerns, and ideas Putters may have with the Board for action and follow-up. At least two Members-At-Large will serve as Hostess and Escort at each monthly luncheon meeting. The hostess will check off member names as they arrive, giving any late checks to the treasurer for deposit and giving any replacement checks to the Treasurer. The Escort will assist the Hostess and/or help members find a seat.
The Members-At-Large will attend all Board meetings.
The duties of the Members-At-Large shall be divided (upon election, the Members-At-Large will meet to decide who will take each responsibility) as follows:
Score Cards: This Member-at-Large will be responsible for retrieving the blank score sheets from the Membership Coordinator and preparing them for Monday morning play. She will bring the prepared score cards one week ahead and place them in the Chip Starter bag for use on the following Monday. She will retrieve the completed cards at the end of the putting session from the Chip Starter who will put them in numerical order and include any unused cards. The unused cards can be re-dated and re-used. This will help control the expenses for printing the cards. The Scorer will obtain the number of the Money Hole for that day from the President or her substitute. The Scorer will then tally the statistics from the completed score cards, transferring them to the monthly handicap sheet provided by the Statistician/Webmaster, making sure that they all balance. She will then be responsible for e-mailing the results for that day to the Putter’s Board within 48 hours. On the last Monday of each the month, once the score sheet has been completed, the score sheet is given to the Statistician so she can determine the monthly winners. The Statistician will print a new score sheet to give to the The Scorer for the next month. The Scorer who has held this job prior to the new Member-at-Large will train her replacement in the scoring system.
Course Set-Up/Take Down/ChipStarters: This Member-At-Large is responsible for contacting each member of the Course Set- up Committee two weeks prior to the assigned month by e-mail/telephone to remind her of her forthcoming duties. She will review with each committee member the procedure to follow for the course set up, including set up and take down, choosing the money hole, location of safety cones and other equipment and changes in responsibilities for special events. If a member cannot serve, she is responsible for finding her own replacement. If she cannot find a replacement, she will notify the Member-at-Large, Course Set-Up who will request a replacement from the Member-at-Large, Committee Assignments.
She will notify the Member-at-Large, Score Cards of which hole is the Money Hole each week (notifies the President/Vice President in the absence of the Score Card Member-at-Large).
She will give the President the list of Set-Up Committee names prior to the beginning of each month for announcements.
She will contact the two members signed up for chip starters prior to the assigned month by e-mail/telephone to remind them of the month they have committed to serve. She will also tell them if they will not be needed because of a special event. If a member cannot serve the member must find a replacement or notify the other chip starter or member at large. The member at large is also responsible for replacing any supplies that the chip starters may need.
Committee Assignments: This Member-At-Large will be responsible for ensuring that each Putter serves on at least one committee per year. Putters are asked at the organizational meeting at the beginning of each year to sign up for a committee. Putters who have not signed up are contacted by this Member-At-Large and added to a committee. Also, as new members join, they must be placed on a committee. The Member-At-Large will monitor that all committees have an adequate number of Putters to function.